WATCH: Table Talk — Deloading with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
WATCH: Table Talk — Deloading with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
Even though you don’t want to do it, you have to do it. And by “it,” we mean “deload.”
Live and Learn (and Pass On, Too)
Live and Learn (and Pass On, Too)
Live and learn from your failures and mistakes. Be willing to learn, and maybe more importantly, be willing to be wrong. Now go and pass that along.
Recovery for the Fat Boys
Recovery for the Fat Boys
Everyone wants to post up the coolest and latest recovery systems, like Salt Floats, Compression Boots, Prowlers, and Sled Drags, but as a big dude (or lady) are you considering walking?
Big Back, Big Bench
Big Back, Big Bench
While having a big back doesn’t guarantee big bench PRs, the back and bench press go hand in hand. The back plays an enormous role in benching effectively — most lifters just don’t know how to use their back in the lift!
Who is in Charge Here, Anyways?
Who is in Charge Here, Anyways?
Don’t let your ego get the better of you. Think carefully about your choices — and if you’re really the one making those decisions.
WATCH: Bench Pad Height
WATCH: Bench Pad Height
The phrase “when in doubt, test it out” applies to a lot of things, including bench pads that may or may not be at regulation height. Although technically, “when in doubt, throw it out” also works, except you’re repurposing a yoga mat — not tossing a protein shake that might have been sitting in the back of your fridge for
Solve the Progression Code with Axiomatic Strength Training
Solve the Progression Code with Axiomatic Strength Training
Once you learn how to activate muscles effectively, you’ll always see some progress in your training. Start here with the basics of axiomatic conditions.
Improve Your 1RM Squat with These Variations
Improve Your 1RM Squat with These Variations
It is great to get advice from friends across the country and hear what works for them. It is my hope that after reading this, the reader will pick up something to help them perform a better more powerful squat.
WATCH: I am Joe Sullivan
WATCH: I am Joe Sullivan
Get to know elitefts athlete Joe Sullivan as he talks about how he got into powerlifting, his day-to-day routine, and his goals.
Choking on My Own Face — The Diagnosis
Choking on My Own Face — The Diagnosis
Because it’s a sleep study, and not, say a cat scan, I didn’t expect my doctor to get all solemn, take a deep breath, and ask me to “sit down” before delivering the news.
Don't Be a Christmas Tree Powerlifter
Don't Be a Christmas Tree Powerlifter
As you add ornament after ornament, string of lights after string of lights, and trinket after trinket, don’t lose sight of the tree underneath.
WATCH: Dave Tate and Ed Coan Show the Women How to Deadlift at Omaha Barbell
WATCH: Dave Tate and Ed Coan Show the Women How to Deadlift at Omaha Bar...
When a lifter at Omaha Barbell struggles with her deadlift during a training session, Ed Coan offers her technical advice, and Dave tells her to “clear your fucking head.”
Week 11 / day 3 - speed squats & deadlifting
Week 11 / day 3 - speed squats & deadlifting
Speed squats w/ Duplex bar vs. heavy band bar x 5 180 x 3 270 x 2 320 (~35%) x 2 x 8 2” deadlifts 320 x 2 410 x 1 500 x 1 560 x 1 610 x 1 655 x 0 Unilateral Reverse Hyper 100 x 15 x 4    
Build Bigger Legs and a Bigger Squat (with 6-Week Accessory Split)
Build Bigger Legs and a Bigger Squat (with 6-Week Accessory Split)
This isn’t about any unusual angles, movements, or attachments. This is just a meat and potatoes approach to building bigger legs and a bigger squat. Try this out for 6-8 weeks and see how it works for you.
2018 in Review
2018 in Review
2018, you were a great new chapter. You’ve put me in a good place with my training, my clients’ training, and the team’s training. 2019, see you soon.
Make it More Than Just a Warm-Up
Make it More Than Just a Warm-Up
When it came to warm-ups, I didn’t always practice what I preached. As it turned out, warm-ups have done me a solid and increased my strength, endurance, and recovery. Plus, they’re a great way to hone your techniques.
Bench training
Bench training
*shoulder warm up Bench – bar x 15 x 2 – 145 x 3 – 195 x 2 – 235 x 1 – 285 x 1 – 325 x 1 – 325 x 1 – voodoo flossed – 375 x 0 – catapult Db bench – 60 x 10 – 70 x 5 – 85 […]
Meet Report: 1,200 Total at IPA Buckeye Brawl
Meet Report: 1,200 Total at IPA Buckeye Brawl
It was my first time representing Team elitefts at a meet. The support I got from them was unreal. Oh, and the team shirt was pretty cool, too.
The Death of Powerlifting
The Death of Powerlifting
What’s wrong with powerlifting? Not online coaching. Not Crossfitters doing meets. Not other lifters secretly being deep cover Nazi operatives. Not anything about other lifters, or coaches, at all. All that’s really wrong, from my perspective, is this…
Learn to Train X: Bench Press Warm-Up with Joe Sullivan
Learn to Train X: Bench Press Warm-Up with Joe Sullivan
You may start shaking, but don’t worry. It’s just something that’s getting you ready to do what you went to the gym for — to press a bigger bench.
Abdominal Pressure — What You're Missing in Every Lift
Abdominal Pressure — What You're Missing in Every Lift
Are you making the most of your abdominal pressure during three big lifts: squats, bench press, and deadlift (or the clean and jerk if you compete in weightlifting or crossfit). Oh, the power of a breath.
Top-5 Monolift Commandments
Top-5 Monolift Commandments
Monolift commandments for those new to the monolift, monolift commandments to heed today as a way to avoid tragedy in the future, and monolift commandments to help get the most out of this amazing piece of powerlifting equipment.
WATCH: Should Beginners Train with Bands?
WATCH: Should Beginners Train with Bands?
Technically, it isn’t wrong.
7 Gifts for the Next Instafamous Powerlifter
7 Gifts for the Next Instafamous Powerlifter
Trust me, you will want me repping your brand while I’m crushing monster lifts all over the garage.
Choking on My Own Face
Choking on My Own Face
In recent months, my fiancée noticed long pauses between breaths while I’m asleep, followed by gasping for air. Not good. If it’s like everything else in my life, this major CPAP milestone should make for a good story. Plus, my readers really seem to enjoy it when I suffer.
Life in the Void
Life in the Void
It is nothing and everything all at once. It is something that comes on strong and pulls you in. It strips everything away, but if you stick with it and trust it, then it will give you more than you can imagine.
10 Christmas Gifts for the Bored Powerlifter
10 Christmas Gifts for the Bored Powerlifter
He squats, benches, and deadlifts week in and week out with no variation. Specialty bars? Ha! Accommodating resistance? Ha!
4 Accessories to Fix the Deadlift Lockout
4 Accessories to Fix the Deadlift Lockout
As I got stronger with pulling conventional, a funny thing happened. My weak point went from being off the floor (where it was when pulling sumo) to just below the knee. I had to go back to the drawing board and figure out what exercises would get me stronger.
10 Secrets to Stimulating a Stalled Squat
10 Secrets to Stimulating a Stalled Squat
As a former 150-pound marathon runner–turned–powerlifter, here’s how I increased my squat 1RM from 500 pounds to 600 pounds in a single year.
Why Big Air Is the Key to a Bigger Total
Why Big Air Is the Key to a Bigger Total
Imagine that you are on a team at work in which each individual had his or her own unique duties and tasks. What happens if someone doesn’t show up to work?
5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
“Pull your lats in” to “slow down” are two of five cues that can make an incredible difference in the execution and lockout of your deadlift.
WATCH: A Question from Donnie Thompson
WATCH: A Question from Donnie Thompson
Why were you such a dick to me in 1998 when I met you and Lou for breakfast for the first time? You hurt my feelings.
A Conversation with Me About Competing at 77
A Conversation with Me About Competing at 77
When I entered these very senior divisions, there was no bar, no standard, no records. Now there is.
The Powerlifting for Bodybuilding Christmas Gift Guide
The Powerlifting for Bodybuilding Christmas Gift Guide
All that matters is how you look, and if using equipment allows you to train heavier and harder, build more muscle, and ultimately look better, then you should use it! Here are my top-5 powerlifting Christmas gifts for bodybuilders.
Make America Squat Again
Make America Squat Again
I’d bet a Derek Lewis chin shot that the majority of lifters are out pulling their squats. Ugh, writing this is tough; this is the catalyst for the total not being shit anymore, either.
Top-5 Christmas Gifts for Powerlifters Trapped in a Corporate Gym
Top-5 Christmas Gifts for Powerlifters Trapped in a Corporate Gym
They’re here because they travel during the week and are training out of the hotel’s fitness center, or they work days and can train only late at night, which requires him to go to one of those 24/7 fitness places where there is “no yelling, no chalk or pretty much no anything you would require for serious training.”
A Note to the Lifter That Chooses Coaching
A Note to the Lifter That Chooses Coaching
You find a coach you feel is the best choice, and you make an inquiry. It’s a good fit, and you compensate him or her. You’re a powerlifter with a coach now. You await your program to begin your journey under the guidance of your chosen coach.
CBD for Lifters — My Experience
CBD for Lifters — My Experience
I’m almost scared to type this, but both my hip and spine are functioning at…
Physics Made Easy to Increase Your 1RM
Physics Made Easy to Increase Your 1RM
Acceleration is one of the most important components for building maximum strength. However, you should not confuse acceleration with explosiveness.
WATCH: How to Control the Squat Bar
WATCH: How to Control the Squat Bar
Smitley broke an all-time world record in 2015, squatting 567 pounds at a 132-pound body weight – as such, it’s safe to say that he knows a thing or two when it comes to this particular lift.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: The Big Picture (With Sample Routine)
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: The Big Picture (With Sample Routine)
Instead of just trying to get strong by getting as big as humanly possible, many lifters are paying more attention to their muscularity. Just take a look at Larry Wheels or Dan Green, and you’ll immediately know how successful this strategy can be.
Save It for the Barber Shop
Save It for the Barber Shop
There are two worlds in which we all reside. There is the “gym world”, a world where everything pertains to the gym and your training, where your goals and aspirations for the platform are created, pursued, and lived out. The other world is the outside world, comprised of everything else.
Solve Your Training Problems with Less Than $20
Solve Your Training Problems with Less Than $20
Out of shape? Slow? Dumb? Weak? Ugly? Andrew Jackson (the president on a $20 bill for any non-US-based readers) has a solution for you.
2018 IPL Midwest Open — 2131-Pound Total at 242 Pounds
2018 IPL Midwest Open — 2131-Pound Total at 242 Pounds
The 825 opener flew, and I told JP to call 881 on my second. This is when I knew I would “earn my regrets” because I actively prepared myself to become injured due to this decision.
WATCH: Branch Warren's Desire to Win
WATCH: Branch Warren's Desire to Win
Rooted at Metroflex, Warren’s early years building a thick and grainy physique grew to the height of the Olympia.
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Accessories
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Accessories
From chest-supported rows, to vertical pull-downs and face-pulls, Tate tightens up Rusin’s supporting exercises to ensure that they are addressing his weak points in a way that will have correspondence to the “big three” lifts.
WATCH: Table Talk — What Would You Change?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Would You Change?
His answer — revolving around canvas gear, Westside, and Louie — may surprise you.
WATCH: Who Do You Take Advice From?
WATCH: Who Do You Take Advice From?
I’ve been completely immersed in the sport of powerlifting for over 25 years. When you reach this level of knowledge and experience, some people assume that you just stop asking questions. Wrong! I ask questions all the time.
WATCH: Power to the Female Powerlifters
WATCH: Power to the Female Powerlifters
If you’re a man and you’re trying to hold a woman back from powerlifting, or doing whatever she wants to do…Who are you to try and change her mind, and get her not to do it?
Confession: I'm a Coachaholic
Confession: I'm a Coachaholic
Heavily inspired by the LTTX, I took what I taught and learned there and shared it with my gym members. Although basic (think powerlifting 101), these new lifters needed to hear my message. Watch the entire presentation here.
A Cheat Sheet to Greatness
A Cheat Sheet to Greatness
You’ll still be weak and look like shit, but man, people will know you lift.
WATCH: Table Talk — Training Alone
WATCH: Table Talk — Training Alone
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the super-heavy lifts that cause most of the problems when training alone.
WATCH:  Breaking John Rusin — The Program
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Program
In this video clip, Tate and Rusin compile these learnings to develop a comprehensive training program. Together, they discuss how to adjust the workouts to best suit Rusin’s development of the “big three” lifts, planning around his traveling schedule as needed.
CBD for Lifters — Why, When, and How
CBD for Lifters — Why, When, and How
In this installment, I will talk a little bit about what I learned from my tour of the Extract Labs facility, from my research of the available scientific data and my thoughts on “why,” “when” and “how” for Cannabidiol, as I understand it.
How Do I Become the Best?
How Do I Become the Best?
I was just recently asked this again by one of my former athletes and colleague, who is now a collegiate strength coach as well as an aspiring raw powerlifter. Here’s my answer.
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — The Triceps
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — The Triceps
Just as powerlifters can benefit from bodybuilding movements, so can bodybuilders benefit from powerlifting movements. Today we’re looking at the triceps – a muscle group that I really struggle with and, as a result, have spent a lot of time studying and training.
Learn to Train X: Dynamic Correspondence to the Platform
Learn to Train X: Dynamic Correspondence to the Platform
Focusing on this concept of carry-over helps powerlifters train in a more intentional and strategic way, ultimately bolstering overall performance come meet day.
WATCH: Table Talk — Agreeing to Disagree with Mark Rippetoe
WATCH: Table Talk — Agreeing to Disagree with Mark Rippetoe
In this table talk, Dave Tate sits down to answer the following question on Rippetoe: Has Dave ever met Mark Rippetoe? Would be cool to see them get together for a podcast after a few drinks.
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Deadlift
WATCH: Breaking John Rusin — The Deadlift
As Rusin adds proper breathing into his deadlift sequence (one of many tweaks you’ll see), he notices an immediate difference in his performance. Proper breathing, as he puts it, is a total “game-changer.”

Items 355 to 413 of 2156 total