Squat Pull Day
Great workout today. We went heavy on the squats; we did a shit load of speed work on the deadlifts and even finished with some front squat singles. DAMN! Tired after this one, but I feel strong. The meet is about 8 weeks out and I’m feeling optimistic.
- 135 for 2 sets of 5
- 225 for 3
- 315 for 3
- 405 for 1
- 505 for 1
- 595 for 1
Added Wraps
- 720 for 2
Video of 720 For 2
Speed Pulls Against green band
185 pounds of tension. We scaled it out after the pulls.
- 245 for 1
- 295 for 1
- 345 for1
- 395 for 1
- 445 for 1
Drop set speed set.
- 395 for 1
- 345 for 1
- 295 for 1
- 245 for 1
We did a single. Had a 25 stripped and did another single. We were down to just the 100’s on each side. Very cool. I liked these and we will do them often.
Video of 445 speed single with bands.
Glute Ham Raises
- 3 sets of 8 with a 45 pound bar on our backs.
After these BO said “What next, Font squat” I said sure. He said he was joking, but it was too late so we went and did some front squats. Something I haven’t done in years!
Front Squats
- 135 for 5
- 225 for 1
- 315 for 1
- 405 for 1
- 505 for 00000000 Pinned in the hole.
- 465 for 1
I really wanted that 505 front squat. I will return to these fresh one day and see what I can do.
Video of 465 for 1
That’s all for today. I’m toast and it's football season, so to the man cave I go.