In my many years of powerlifting and traveling to meets and gyms to train and through association with many shady characters, I have amassed a “bag of tricks” to help me on meet day. I think somewhere over the years I have been threatened with death and bodily harm if I ever divulge some of these, but I will take my chances.
So here goes…
Bench pressing
Stick-um or spray adhesive is your friend! It can be used on your back and your butt to help with sliding and planting yourself on the bench. If you raise your butt, wear a larger than normal singlet, put on a belt, and pull the ass down to create a “pouch.” Spray that with spray adhesive so it will stick to the bench even if you don’t.
If you have trouble keeping your shirt in place, you can spray adhesive on your stomach and belt up. The Stick-um will help to keep your shirt in place as you set up. It can also be used to stick the material to your shoulders and chest to keep everything in place.
Ever end up just short of locking out? Try letting your wrist roll back a little and/or rotating your elbow around a little to give the illusion of being locked out without the bar moving at all.
Sleeves a little too small? Use inflatable balls and slide them into the sleeves and inflate. Once inflated, the longer they sit, the more they will stretch. Water may be used if necessary.
Yeah, Stick-um works here too! Try spraying both sides of your knee wraps with adhesive before you roll them up and put them in a zip-lock baggie. When you roll them on, they will stick to your knees and stick together, and they will also stay in your hand better while wrapping your knees.
Tying your knee wrap with a flap at the top outside can help to give the illusion of a higher knee, therefore helping you squeak out those close squats.
Can’t hit depth? Make sure your briefs and suit are as far up in the crotch as possible. Have someone push your knees apart, and if necessary, pull your skin out from under the leg opening (this is painful). This will help in pushing your knees out and sitting back to help attain depth.
Brief or suit openings may be stretched in a similar manner as the bench shirt sleeves.
Before you ask, the only use I have found for spray adhesive here is on the bottoms of your shoes for traction.
Not much organized cheating goes on in the deadlift other than baby powder on the legs and possibly where your arms rub your torso. You can let your head and shoulder drop down and forward during the ascent to shorten the lockout.
Having your coaches/helpers clap and cheer before the lights are flipped may help with the decision on a local level. (This won’t work at the nationals or worlds. I’ve been there, done that, and they weren’t impressed.)
Showing respect for the judges and making your first squat deep will help to set the pace for the day. Stay well hydrated and eat those peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwiches. Play to win, learn all the tricks, and play just as fair as everyone else. Hopefully one or more of these tips will help you on the platform.
By the way, orange cleaner works well to remove Stick-um.