I was recently asked to design a six-week pre-season preparation plan for an amateur rugby player. The player was a utility back and was currently training with his team on Tuesday and Thursday evenings; therefore, the program had to take this schedule into consideration. Since he was able to train three days a week, the program I had in mind fit in perfectly. I frequently get asked, "How can an amateur player train professionally without being a full-time athlete?" Well, I hope this adjoining program will give you some ideas on how to achieve this goal.
Photo via West Point - The U.S. Military Academy
- Heavy Power in Gym
- Neural Conditioning
- Neural Conditioning
Warm Up
- Dynamic warm up drills and ladders/hurdles: perform for 10 to 15 minutes
- Ladders: forward and lateral series
- Hurdles: lateral series, march, skip, run for + 10m (accelerate out)
Select two drills and do for 75 foot contacts:
- Bounding x 40m
- Power Skip x 40m
- Single-leg hop: Left leg from goal line to 22m. Then, continue on your right leg out to the halfway line. Repeat after a two-minute rest. Start at halfway line and finishing at the goal line.
Accelerations from different starting positions. Start at the goal line to 22 meters. Then, slow walk back, and recover between each rep. Do this for 10 minutes:
- Three-point stance
- Lying on chest
- Lying on back
- Lying on back, roll to the left and roll to the right
- Hurdle jump and go
- Long jump and go
- Kneeling, jump up to two feet, and go
- Sprinter’s set position and go
- One knee down, with the opposite foot flat on the ground, repeat opposite sides
Maximal Velocity
Select two drills from this list and do them for 15 minutes. Perform slow walk back recoveries between each rep:
- Flying 28s: Build up speed from the goal line to 22m, and then sprint maximally to the halfway line.
- In and Outs: Go hard for 20m, and then go easy for 10m. Then, go hard for 20 and easy for 10m.
- Change of direction cut: Sprint hard for 30m, perform a hard cut diagonal for 10m. Then, do a hard cut off your other foot to straighten out for another 30m.
- Straight sprints: 40m, 50m, 60m, 78m or 5m, 10m, 15m, 22m, 30m, 35m
Heavy Power
- Warm up with a superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops: 3 x 5 each leg (step load)
- Clean, Snatch, or Pulls from the floor or Band Box Squats
- Push Press, Split Jerk, or Band Bench Press
Week 1: 4 x 6 @ 60% supersetted with Tuck Jumps/MB Drops 4 x 12
Week 2: 5 x 3 @ 80% supersetted with Box Jumps/Chest Clap Push Ups 5 x 6
Week 3: 6 x 4 @ 70% supersetted with Knees to Feet/MB Chest Pass 6 x 8
Week 4: 4 x 2 @ 90% supersetted with Depth Jumps/Depth Push Ups 4 x 4
*Repeat with new exercises for the next four weeks.
- Full Body Strength
- Lactate Conditioning
Full Body Strength (four exercises)
- 1 x Olympic or Hamstring
- 1 x Squat or Single Leg
- 1 x Upper Body Push supersetted with Upper Body Pull
Week 1: 4 x 6
Week 2: 2 x 5; 3 x 3
Week 3: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Week 4: 4 x 6 @ 60% of previous week's
Week 5: 2 x (6/5/4)
Week 6: 2 x (5/4/3)
Week 7: 2 x (4/3/2)
Week 8: 4 x 6 @ 75%
Gym-Based Lactate Conditioning (choose one)
- Beastly Circuit: Dead Lift/Power Clean from Hang/Front Squat/Push Press/Bent Over Row/Romanian Dead Lift + three minutes of spin bike at 120+rpm (x 5)
- Otago Circuit: Row 300m in at least a minute/10 Full Burpees/10 x 36kg two-arm swing with KB/4 x 15 meter shuttle run/10kg Med Ball slam to the ground—10 each side (x 5)
- Treadmill run at 15 degrees—run to exhaustion for at least 60 seconds. Go straight to the rowing machine for three minutes. Then do Tabata 20 seconds work (>100 meters) with 10 seconds of rest (x 5)
Run-Based Lactate Conditioning
- Half Gasser: (Start by lying face down on the sideline. Then, get up and sprint to the far sideline. Go down and put your chest on the ground, get up, and sprint back to the start in less than 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds. Do five times.
- Rest two and a half minutes
- 10 x 50 meters every 20 seconds
- Rest one and a half minutes
- Malcolm Drill: Start by lying face down on the halfway line. Get up and back pedal to the 10m line. Go down and put your chest on the ground, get up, sprint 20m to the far 10m line, go down on your chest, get up, back pedal to the start position, and go down on your chest to start the next rep. Complete a set of six in less than two minutes x 2 (one-minute rest between Malcolm’s)
- Rest four minutes
- Repeat three times
- Upper Body Size
- Aerobic Conditioning
- Upper Body Size
- Triple Drop Incline Bench Press (45/30/15 degrees) supersetted with MMA Kettle Bell or Dumbbell Renegade Row
Week 1: 4 sets x 5 at each angle/5 each arm
Week 2: 5 sets x 4 at each angle/4 each arm
Week 3: 6 sets x 3 each angle/3 each arm
- Seated DB Arnold Shoulder Press (30s Style) supersetted with Chins (30s Style)
- Thirty reps in as few sets as possible. Rest for 30 seconds between each set. Do this until failure (6 to 8 reps to failure on first set)
- Three-way Shoulder Raise (3 x 10 to 15 reps; must fail somewhere in this range)
- (DB Lateral Raises/Plate Front Raise/Cable Bent Over Raise)
Related Program: Three to the Fourth Power Program
Aerobic Conditioning
- VO2 Grid: three minutes, 10/10 seconds, 60 x 20 rectangle, rest for one and a half minutes
- VO2 Grid: four minutes, 15/15 seconds, 80 x 30 meters, rest for two minutes
- VO2 Grid: five minutes, 20/20 seconds, 90 x 40 rectangle, rest two and a half minutes
- 100m/200m/300m: 100m in 20 seconds, rest for 40 seconds, 200 in 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds, 300 meters in 60 seconds, rest for 60 seconds. Do this twice (six minutes).
- Rest for three minutes and then repeat in reverse order
Thanks again for putting great training content, especially for rugby players. It means a lot to all of us I'm sure.
You've written in a previous article about power fitness work, where you do, for example, power cleans at 70% for 5/4/3/2/1 reps with 15sec rest between sets, then 3 mins of hard cardio. Would you classify that sort of thing into your gym-based lactate conditioning sessions?
Btw - it was a shame that the discussion threads were deleted with the reformatting of the website. The feedback in the comments were great. Cheers for sharing your info with us, mate.
Three to the Fourth Power Program
Three-Way Matrix Upper Body Hypertrophy Emphasis
Size & Strength Gym Program in 2014 Make a Wish (MAW) ebook
Programming for Strength: Big is a By-Product of Strong,
will have good examples for you to develop a specific program for yourself and I will also send a full hypertrophy program onto elitist.net for distribution kind regards, ashley
Another great article! Was just wondering on the Monday session, do you do the field based (sprints, plyometrics etc) before or after the Heavy Power session??
Another great article! Was just wondering on the Monday session, do you do the field based (sprints, plyometrics etc) speed work before or after the Heavy Power session??
Power Acceleration Focus
Warm up – hurdle patterns with range of hurdle sizes, hops/jumps
3 position power snatch 8 sets
Starts over 10 – 20 metres from a range of different starting positions
Clean Pulls 6 sets x 4 reps
Harness & Release sprints
Jump Squats 4 x 6
Sled Pulls & Prowler Pushes
Wednesday: Heavy Squat - Front, Back or Box + Single Leg Hinge movement
For Upper Body Push options (on the full body strength session) what are your thoughts on using the Floor Press as a more "shoulder-friendly" movement? In addition are there any other upper body pressing movements you feel are superior for rugby players looking to increase upper body strength/size without aggravating old shoulder issues?
Cheers again
Hi Aleksa I have written many power templates in previous articles if you look back through them I am sure you will find an option any movement that a player can achieve peak power at a variety of loading patterns specific to strength development will be excellent.
As for neck I am a fan of all bridging progressions and the work of Matt Furey also flexion and extension work with the head on a Swiss ball but my first love is the nautilus first generation neck machine triumvirate of neck & shoulder, 4way neck and rotary neck but also never discount the benefits of manual resistance supplied by a partner through the ranges of neck movements, cheers ashley
Week 1: 15 X 40 seconds work and 20 seconds walking, rest at 110% VO2 max
Week 2: 20 X 30 seconds work and 30 seconds walking, rest at 125% VO2 max
Week 3: 25 X 20 seconds work and 40 seconds walking, rest at 140% VO2 max
Week 4: 10 X 20/40, 10 X 30/30, 10 X 40/20 at the respective percentages of VO2 max
I was just wondering what sort of improvements I could expect to see in quite a short time frame. I shall also be training with my club on tuesday and thursdays along with some gym and speed stuff throughout the week. Many thanks Olly
Monday: Beastly + Lower Body Pull + 3 x Upper Body Pull
Wednesday: Beastly + Lower Body Push + 3 x Upper Body Push
Friday: Beastly + Full Body ( 1 x LB push, Pull & 1 x UB Push & Pull)
and you can run on Tuesday and Saturday based around:
Week 1: 15 X 40 seconds work and 20 seconds walking, rest at 110% VO2 max
Week 2: 20 X 30 seconds work and 30 seconds walking, rest at 125% VO2 max
Week 3: 25 X 20 seconds work and 40 seconds walking, rest at 140% VO2 max
Week 4: 10 X 20/40, 10 X 30/30, 10 X 40/20 at the respective percentages of VO2 max
as for sets and reps, I would train for strength & power in the lower body movements and then use one strength protocol, 2 x size protocols for the upper body cheers, ashley
where can I find instructions on the Bosch squat and Borzoi hops ?
I have searched the internet and can't find much information
cheers lewis
where can I find instructions on the Bosch squat and Borzov hops ?
I have searched the internet and can't find much information
cheers lewis
where can I find instructions on how to perform the Bosch squat and Borzov hops ?
I have searched the internet and can't find much information
cheers lewis
bosch squat: I will try and have this filmed and posted here for you, apologies for the slow response to your question, regards, ashley
On looking at some of your other articles (and some of the above comments) I like the look of using the "power fitness" option as a gym lactate conditioning option on the Wednesday.
Where it says do cleans/pulls at 5/4/3/2/1 with 15 secs rest, does that mean you do 5 reps, rest 15 seconds , 4 reps, rest 15 seconds , 3 reps, rest 15 seconds etc down to 1, then the 3 mins of cardio (15 total reps per set + cardio), then repeat that same protocol 6 times (after a longer rest)?
Have i got that right?
great info as always
I am a newcomer to EliteFTS and the articles you have written.
Thank you for sharing the knowledge you have with us, its fantastic for amateur players such as myself to be able to gain insight into professional S&C.
I am 28 and work for NHS in England. I am a keen amateur player who plays in the back row.
I really like some of the ideas you have shared.
How would you augment this for in-season training?