I would like to know what your thoughts were on CrossFit training? I myself recently started training using CrossFit methods due to some health issues I was having. I had to lose weight, and so far I have lost 20 pounds and the health issues are subsiding.
- Chris
It's nothing more than HIT training. I think that it can be a good training method for those that like that type of training and are looking for a change. I believe that when it is implemented/programmed correctly, it can be an effective method. However, as far as problems go, most individuals lack preparation and the technical skills required to perform some of (most of) the movements, especially the way most trainers want them performed. I've seen a lot of injuries come from this lack of preparation. Mentally, you can get burned-out quickly. It's like any other fad out there. It's the new thing right now and it's fun. I do believe it's effective, but it depends upon your goals and the trainer's ability to properly teach and program.
This is a very quick answer—there is more analysis to be had, but that's the gist.
If it gets you excited and makes you get off your ass, Great!
- Jeremy Frey
I saw your answer on knee problems and TKE. How does calf work help your knee stability? Calf work for vertical jump improvement seems to be all over the map in this field, and I was wondering what your thoughts were.
The gastroc origin is over the back of the knee joint, so strengthening the "calf" can help with knee joint stability—just not as much as the hamstring (stronger muscle).
Vertical ability is more controlled and enhanced with hamstring and glute strength, not calf strength. Power for the vertical comes from your posterior chain, not just from your calves. This is not to say that the calves don't need to be strengthened, they just shouldn't be the focus. The stronger you are, the more force you can apply to the ground. The more force you can apply to the ground, the faster you can run and the higher you can jump.
- Jeremy Frey
Hi, Jeremy.
I just maxed out all of my lifts in my basement gym last week. I hit some big PRs! I just found out about a meet in my town which is in four weeks. It would be my first meet. Is It possible for me to peak for this in such a short amount of time? Or should I just let it go and look for another one that I would have more time to prepare for? If it is possible to do this meet, how would I set up a four-week cycle? It's a bench and deadlift meet.
Thanks for your help,
1. Is it possible for me to peak for this in such a short amount of time? Or should I just let it go and look for another one that I would have more time to prepare for?
You can do a turn around in the amount of time you are talking about. I wouldn't scrap it, I would be smart the next few weeks you have.
2. If it is possible to do this meet, how would I set up a four-week cycle?
Week 4: 80-85% 3x2, both movements. You can use your regular days. Accessory 30-40 reps.
Week 3: 88-93% 6-8 total reps, 1-2 rep range, both movements. Accessory 30 reps.
Week 2: 93-97% 3-4 total reps, 1 rep range. Squat/dead 10 days out, Bench 7 days out. Accessory 20 reps.
Week 1: Recovery work only. Dead once Monday, Bench on Wednesday, 2x2 at light weight. Light recovery accessory 8-20 reps.
Good luck!
- Jeremy Frey
I've been a long time follower of elitefts™. It's been a lot of help through PRs and injuries. Now, I don't compete anymore (mainly because I am in local law enforcement and the hours and job don't mesh), but do you have any good leads on programs or people who are street cops but have a certain routine that not only keeps them strong but also tactically fit?
- Pat
Honestly, for what you are talking about, you just need a general fitness program. There are many ways to stay strong and fit without making things complicated.
I would train three days a week—a full body workout each day. Include cardio on each of those days—about 20-40 minutes worth. I'm guessing that, since you are in law enforcement, you get tested every so often? Some of my friends who are officers have to keep a certain fitness level and are tested yearly. (However, this might be a certain department's standards).
Day 1
Squat: 4x5, RPE-7
DB bench: 3x10
Pull-ups: x30-40reps
RDL: 3x10
Face Pulls: 3x15
Abs: 150 reps
Day 2
Bench: 4x5, RPE-7
Lunges: 3x10 each
DB Row: 3-4x10 each
DB Squat: 3x10
Rear Delt: 3x15
Triceps: 3x15
Abs: 200 reps
Day 3
Squat: 5x4, RPE-7
Push ups: 60-80 reps
Lat pulls: 3x10
Back Ext: 3x10
Shrugs: 3x10
Military Press: 3x10
Curls: 3x15
Abs: 150 reps
This is extremely general, but it will be effective. You can do 20 minutes of cardio before or after. I would also add a fourth day of extra cardio to stay in shape. Have it be higher intensity and actually run, don't do a machine. Weight utilized is up to you to stay strong. Sets and reps can be changed to fit what you need, but don't waste your time with a bunch of shit movements. Get something done. I just wanted to write an example in order to give you something to look at as opposed to just talking—again general.
If you have any further questions, please ask!
- Jeremy Frey
When using Prilepin's chart, how do you plan progression from week-to-week/month-to-month?
- Charis
It depends upon:
- How far out I am from a meet
- Where my body is at in regards to preparation
- What other movements I am performing
- Intensity and volume
There are so many variables it really does depend.
- 70-80%, four-week block, max volume allowed
- 80-88%, four-week block, moderate volume
- Drop to 72-81%, moderate-max volume allowed
- 82-90%, max volume allowed
This is very general because I go off how I feel more than anything. I typically am always at max volume because that is what my body is prepared for and what I can handle. You have to be smart about the training though.
- Jeremy Frey
I am a raw lifter and am looking to bring up my squat, but I feel like just squatting isn't enough. I was wondering if box squats would be a good choice in my squatting? If so, what kind of template would be good to follow? Here is an example of one that I found.
Week 1: 10 sets of 2 reps with 65%
Week 2: 10 sets of 2 reps with 70%
Week 3: 10 sets of 2 reps with 73%
Week 4: 10 sets of 2 reps with 75%
Only take 45 to 60 seconds rest between sets and use compensatory acceleration when performing all of your reps.
- Chris
When you want to bring up a movement, you need to do that movement AND accessory movements that strengthen the main exercise you are trying to improve. These movements should be based upon the areas that may be holding you back or are weak. What I work on? It depends upon a lot of variables, but let's keep it simple:
Main Movements:
Squat, Box Squat, Pause squats, Front Squats, SSB Squats, Deadlifts (Conventional and Sumo)
Lunges, Bulgarian SS, DB squats, GHR, Reverse Hyper, Rows, Shrugs, 45' Back Extension, Abs
This is general, but these are really good movements that will help. Try to limit wearing a belt as well.
Get strong!
- Jeremy Frey
I know there's a lot of debate about pre-workouts and what is "safe and effective." My question is, what do y'all think about taking pre-workout supplements like Jack3d, Juggernaut, Craze, C4, etc.? Specifically, what do you think about supplements containing DMAA/Germanium and other controversial ingredients? Can you please also address the debate about how they negatively effect sexual performance and long term health?
Thank you for your time and knowledge,
I don't believe in taking any pre-workout supplements. Really, most of the affects you see from such products can simply be produced with caffeine. As for sexual performance—negligible. Long term health—negligible. There is no supplement for hard work!
Now, it's not just that I don't believe in it, but I have taken a lot of things in the past and have found that they have more of a placebo effect than anything. If it makes you train harder, go for it.
- Jeremy Frey