The meet has come and gone and the culmination of 12 weeks was finalized by one number, four! I came in fourth place and had a pretty awesome meet. Let me preface things by explaining what fourth place meant at this meet. Essentially in the USAPL first place is reserved for the Mighty Mike Tushcherer. The truth is the guy is unbeatable. Squatting 750s, benching high 400s and pulling over 800 every meet as a drug-free 264.6-pound man is unbeatable on American soil. As I said before, it’s a race for second at Nationals. This meet is always stacked with lots of talent and strength. Jared Martin squats and pulls 700+ raw. Thad Benefield is a very well-rounded multiple-time USAPL raw national champ. Mike Hedlesky just won gold in the deadlift at IPF worlds with 777.
Many other strong guys were present, but this was the top-5 to keep up within my class. I got to Orlando around 9:30 a.m. on Saturday. With the meet Sunday at 2:00 p.m. I had plenty of time to rest, watch the meet, and eat. Eat I did. At the noon weigh-ins I was at 263. I had a virus last weekend that knocked my weight out of whack and I was weary that I couldn’t comeback fully. I was able to force feed myself all week and fortunately I gained back the 5 pounds I lost. I spent the morning helping out Boh. He went 231 and hit a nice 35-pound PR. He was on track for the American deadlift record, but fell short a few pounds. He pulled 705 at 242 at Pennsylvania states in March. He was set for a PR and will come back big next meet.
Since I was helping Boh all morning, I didn’t do much mobility and soft-tissue stuff. For my warm-up, I rolled my IT bands, back, and got going.
I had a solid plan for squats: Open at 600, take 629 for a second, and then go 650 for a 5-pound PR. Warm-ups went great here. I felt loose, fresh, and strong. I kept it simple and went 150ish, 250ish, 350ish, 450ish, and 525ish. All singles. The hardest part of warm-ups was counting the kilos out right. All five warm-up platforms had Elieko bars and plates. It was nice. Attempt one and two at 600 and 629 went great. Three whites on each. I went for 650 as planned. I stood up well, but lost the lift 2-1 on depth. My wife was watching from the live-stream and sent me a text right as I was done saying it was high. She was right. I was bummed, but at the moment I was sitting in 3rd.
650-pound Squat
I was about a half-inch from breaking. It was a close but a fair call.
My plan for the bench was still in the air. I had an awesome cycle and was certain I would return to the 500 club this meet. I knew I was opening at 450 but was unclear as to what was next. I kept the warm-up simple and and hit four singles ending at 400. I felt good and confident. I went 450 and it was a fast lift. Knowing I missed my third squat, I jumped to 473 to keep my total up. I hit this and it was not as fast as I hoped. I then jumped to 496. My USAPL PR is 490 so I figured this was a good number. I missed it at mid-point. I’m not sure what the disconnect here is bench-wise, but I’m not showing up meet day with it and haven’t for the past few meets. I did have the highest bench of the class though so I shook it off and moved on. I was sitting in third. I was ahead of Thad by 20 pounds and knew I had to have my best pull at a meet to have a chance at staying in third. Mike was in the lead of Jared Martin, around 50 pounds, and Martin was ahead of me around 50.
450-pound Opener
473-pound Second Attempt
After speaking with Thad about his plans, and knowing what Mike has pulled, I knew it was going to be a closer race for third. Mike and Jared had first and second locked with their openers. I warmed up as usual and hit a few singles up to 525 or so. I felt great and was definitely planning to go for a sumo PR of 689 on a third. I will be honest though and admit I had a shade of doubt. The USAPL deadlift bars have been a nemesis of mine from day one. Prior to the going USAPL in 2011, I had a best meet pull of 755 raw conventional style. I go USAPL and barely pull 700 conventional. I have lost weight (20 pounds) since I pulled 755 and my technique was lost too.
Last year after many shitty deadlift performances going conventiona,l I decided to go sumo. Since then it’s been an upward positive experience and it may just be the best style for me. I opened with 628 and then went 667. Both went well. I put in for 695 for a 12-pound PR but knew I was going to change it on how Thad’s second went. Mike Hedlesky missed his second of 770 or so and I knew it was down to me and Thad for 3rd.
Thad went 705 for a second and lifetime PR. I would be in fourth with 695, so we jumped my third to 700. If I pulled this I would jump to third by 2.5 kilos. This was a 17-pound meet PR and a daunting lift. I historically always shit the bed on my third pull. I have done 34 meets now and that has always been the case. I do it so often that my wife even went to turn off the live stream before I pulled my third. The neighbors were over with her watching and they said just leave it on. She said it was pointless but kept watching. I walked up and pulled 700 like I actually knew how to deadlift. It was one of those awesome moments that only sports can bring you.
You do something that matters to no one but your self. Its silly, and meaningless, but for a short moment it defines everything you want to be.
So for a split second I’m on top of the world. I just moved into third place at a crazy competitive National meet and hit a huge sumo PR.
700-pound Raw Sumo Deadlift
Now it was time to watch the meet unfold. Thad moved his third attempt to 722. He just pulled an all-time PR of 705 on a second and now needed a second all-time PR to get back into third place. If he gets 722 he pushes me to 4th by 2.5 kilos. In my head I hoped he missed it. I felt bad for the ill will though and gave a quiet but audible, “Lets go Thad." With my karma in check I watched that bastard barely break the plates off the platform and slowly pull 722 to lockout. He got it and I was in fourth. Thad is a cool guy and earned it.
Mike went 815 easy and Jared had a nice 730-740 deadlift to finish in a strong second place. Mike went just over 2000 and Jared was at 1885. Thad was at 1807 and I ended up tying my USAPL raw best of 1802.
What a meet. I am going to rest up a week or two and think about my bench and what I need to do to get back into the 500-pound club. I’m there in the gym, but just can’t show up meet day. I may enlist some help, but who knows. I’m on vacation this week with the family. We're off to Williamsburg, VA for some rides, rest, and beer.
Many thanks to Dave Tate and the elitefts™ staff for all the support. Through Dave's support I have a solid tool-box of bars, equipment, and quality brains to pick from. Thank you!