Whenever I turn on my computer, I am afraid to go online. The reason why is because all I find on fitness websites are what the latest “experts” think. And usually what they think is that everyone’s program is wrong...but give no rhyme or reason why it is wrong. All these “experts” know how to do is tell other people that what they are doing is wrong, and yet they can’t design a program correctly themselves.
Everyone is looking for the easy way out with the 10-Minute Get Ripped program or the classic 15-Minute Abs. Why don’t people want to put the time and effort into training? The best powerlifters and bodybuilders dedicate 10 to 15 years of their lives to trying to become great in the sport they love. So why is it that people just want to do 15-minute abs (and reap zero results) compared to being in the gym four to six times a week and pushing themselves to the limit? It is because people are lazy and they don’t have what it takes to become great at what they do!
I am, unfortunately, in a horrible generation that wants everything handed to them on a silver platter. I am a 22-year-old amateur powerlifter who is just trying to become great. I am not in any way looking for the easy way out. I know I am going to dedicate my entire life to getting strong, so I am willing to go out and hire the best of the best powerlifting coaches in the sport. One of the biggest reasons why I love powerlifting is that nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. I have to scratch and claw for that extra five pounds on my lifts. I go into the gym to try to beat myself every single day, instead of letting the weights control me. I control the weights and make every lift. Instead of going out, partying, and coming back at 3 a.m., I am going to bed at 10 or 11 p.m. in order to get about eight hours of sleep so that I can have a good training day. I'm not eating takeout pizza or drinking beer all the time, either. Instead, I'm eating a proper, well-balanced diet. Why? Because I am not willing to accept mediocrity. So, my question is, why are you?
If you have actually had a change in attitude, you may now be asking, "what does it take to be great?" You know what it takes: keep your fitness “advice” to yourselves and seek out someone who has spent his life perfecting his craft and has an incredible amount of knowledge in his or her own sport. I know that many powerlifters are extremely open to talking about their training programs and answer any questions you have. That is why the Q&A section on elitefts™ is a godsend. You can ask the best lifters in the industry about training, nutrition, recovery, fat loss, and sports training. Right now, though, you should go on and thank all of the guys and girls on the Q&A panel for offering all of this information for free—simply out of their will to help others. They all have lives and families to worry about, but they take time out of their busy days to answer all the questions they can. Secondly, you need to find a great coach who can help you. I have a small background in Strength and Conditioning, but I know I can’t be honest with myself. Therefore, I went out and found, in my opinion, the very best powerlifting coach in the world. He offers me amazing programming and answers all the questions I have. He has not only helped me increase my total but also to become a better lifter and man. If you are not willing to go out and get your own coach, then you need to listen to what I am about to tell you.
Get off the internet training forums, get into the gym, and just lift!
And when I say lift, I mean lift HEAVY. The basics to getting stronger are: lift heavy weights, recover, and repeat. Do this until you get a massive yoke and a total of over 1,500 pounds. Then you can start looking into training systems. Just make sure you log off the internet forums and get STRONG(ER)!