Note from the Editor: We couldn't find part one, so we published part two. Well, part one showed up, so go back and check out part two after you read this!
Here at Strength & Performance gym, it’s been a pretty good first 12 months in business. In that time, we've managed to break away from the status quo and set up our very own haven of athletic excellence. Strength & Performance is now firmly established as one of the UK’s best training facilities. We're proud to be paving the way for the future of strength and conditioning in our country. We now regularly contribute to two of the world’s largest fitness magazines—Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness. We've also been featured in Fighter’s Only magazine, Craine’s Business Magazine, and FHM and make regular contributions as ‘experts’ for Myprotein.co.uk (Europe’s largest supplements company).
Over the last year, we've built up a roster of athletes that includes UFC middleweight contender Michael ‘The Count’ Bisping. We currently train athletes from UK lacrosse, Great Britain American football, netball, handball, and inline skating plus several top MMA and Muay Thai fighters; rugby, football, and professional Super Kart athletes, and more! Not too bad considering our former boss gave us six months to go under!
Strength & Performance exists to provide a platform for athletes and non-athletes of all abilities to achieve greatness in every dimension of their training. We’d like to think that we’re pretty damn good at it, too!
In past lives, my co-director, very good friend, and long-time training partner, Sean, and I have had to endure life, work, and training at various commercial enterprises. Along the way, we’ve come across some sights that would shock even the most hardened gym rat. Following the success of part one and part two of the much discussed "Twenty Things That Piss Me Off About Commercial Gyms" blogs and having received many comments asking for another edition, we think it's as good a time as any to unleash a little more Strength &Performance gold for your reading pleasure.
However, before we do this, I feel the need to put a little disclaimer out there, not because I give a crap what people think about my/our opinions on things but more to dissuade anyone from commenting who is offended by the views expressed in this post. In a kind of 'tongue in cheek' way, I'll just say that if you don’t agree with this, don’t f*****g read it. Simple!
Below is a short list of things that may go some way in justifying certain statements further along in this article in the event that any negative comments make it through the tough elitefts.com vetting process:
- I'm not an elite(ist) athlete.
- I'm not a powerlifter nor have I ever been a power lifter.
- Yes, I do own my own gym and I train there.
- I have worked both as a fitness professional/personal trainer and in management in commercial gyms.
- I don’t wear Under Armour or shout “Yeah buddy” when spotting!
- My opinions are my own.
- I am very opinionated and I stand by my opinions.
- I don’t just listen to heavy metal and rap music nor do my athletes.
- I have a sense of humor!
- I'm not trying to be like Mike Guadango!
- I reserve the right to be offended.
- Strength & Performance isn't anything like Crossfit nor am I a Crossfit hater!
I hope this helps to clarify my standpoint a little. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get to it. Here's part three in the series:
1) People with imaginary lat and trap syndrome (ILATS): This is possibly one of the worst crimes committed by an all be it small but dangerous minority of commercial gym goers. These people are also known as ‘prize douchebags!’ You can spot someone with ILATS quite easily. He's usually the one hogging the lat pull-down and low pulley row machines with his mates but rarely actually does any proper back work. You may also catch him hanging tough in the squat rack. He will most likely be doing high rep barbell shrugs with straps and the kind of weight my 16-month-old baby girl would be embarrassed to lift.
It actually pains me to see these half-wits swaggering through the middle of the free weights area like male peacocks, puffing out their chests, permanently shrugging their shoulders like they have a syndrome, and holding their arms out wide to the side as if they were carrying a small pig under each one. What they are trying to do is con you into thinking that they have huge lats and traps, but don’t be fooled. In reality, they're either very small or nonexistent!
ILATS sufferers please take a second to read this important public service announcement: “Take a good hard look in the mirror. Go on. I’m giving you the chance to justifiably pose for once. Now, when your back profile mirrors that of a lowland alpha male Silverback Gorilla, then and only then is it time to brush that dirt off your shoulder and prepare to be hit on by numerous hot chicks. Until that time comes, please feel free to walk normally, and for God’s sake, put your arms down. Don’t you realize that you look like a tool! How about I introduce you to a few sets of full range pull-ups and heavy-ass dumbbell rows? WTF 8*
2) People who fill up their protein shakers at the only water fountain in the gym: This includes personal trainers, too. Yes, you, douchebags. I’m talking to you! You know who you are, you inconsiderate pricks! I don’t know what pisses me off more—the fact that most of these special people probably don’t have the faintest idea why they're ingesting extra protein in the first place or that they're completely unsympathetic in the extreme to the needs of the strength disciple who is no doubt being deprived of much needed water while they’re pontificating over what type of protein is best and whether taking creatine is ‘cheating.’ And what are fat burners anyway?
Save that shake for the changing rooms you pumped up poser and quit purposefully ‘flexing’ every time a foxy blonde strolls by in her Juicy tracksuit. It doesn’t impress them and it certainly doesn’t impress me! WTF 7*
3) Stupid people who ask, “Are you still using this mate?” as you stand gasping for breath over a loaded barbell: You begin, “Listen ‘mate’(the fact that I’m still standing should give you a clue here, Einstein), if I had enough breath in my body, I would beat you to death with this barbell (for now you just have to settle with an icy ‘don’t f**k with me’ glare). Even if I have finished this set, I certainly won’t be giving you the bar you prick. Instead I think I’ll give it to the outrageously hot female who looks like she knows more about lifting weight than you do.” Girl, put those glutes away before you hurt somebody! WTF 7* (not the chick!)
4) When you do something remotely athletic (i.e. box jumps, farmer’s walks, explosive medicine ball throws), the management look at you as if you come from Mars: So I’m not allowed chalk, I'm not allowed to deadlift over 100 kgs, and loud noise is forbidden. Jesus ‘H’ Christ! I can’t even exhale or break wind without some two-bit jobs worth manager telling me to “Keep it down please. You’re intimidating other members.” And now I’m being penalized for being straight up athletic as well? What kind of outfit are you running here?
So it’s fine for you to spend billions of pounds of my hard earned cash on the latest new fangled functional bulls**t that I for one am never going to use, but when it comes to me wanting do my own thing in order to make maximum gains, it isn't allowed? Why? Because I choose to do things a little differently than the way you were all taught at personal trainer school? Give me a break!
Just because I’m a bad ass mofo, it doesn’t give you the right to treat me like a second class gym member. If I want to hit 50 plus inch box jumps on the pink and purple aerobic blocks on the gym floor, I’m going to do it! Let me worry about the consequences! Roman curls with my feet under the cable crossover machine help bullet proof my hamstrings. Don’t like it? Don’t watch! And handstand press ups to increase my bench—it is safe if I have a proper spot. So please save me the lecture and worry about something else like making sure your abs class is properly staffed. WTF 8*
5) People with skinny legs in comparison to their upper body: "Each to their own!” I hear you cry. Screw that! I don’t care what you say. Looking like that should be punishable by high rep deadlifts until sick!
Tell me where in the international texts on bodybuilding/nightclub security does it say that you must possess the upper body of Jay Cutler combined with the lower body of an underfed giraffe? If you can show me, I’ll happily eat my words!
“But deadlifting hurts my lower back (because it’s weak!) and squats hurt my neck. And anyway, I used to squat 500 lbs when I was 12, but my legs got too big, so I stopped doing them.” (“Cause I’m a weak little b**ch” is what you really mean, isn’t it buddy?)
It’s time to wake up and smell the ‘hot lava java’ coffee! Don’t you realize that hitting heavy, deep squats twice per week will not only put hairs in places you can only imagine but will also help to produce strong children and instantly make you irresistible to the opposite sex. This is an indisputable scientific fact! I’m sure big Jim Wendler said so once…and he’s never wrong. So there! Now run along before I embarrass you in front of your drug dealer friends fool! WTF 6*
6) Those balance band things: Balance bands??!! Whoa there just a second. Back that s**t up.Which idiot invented these? No really—I want to know! Clearly someone with too much time on their hands. Maybe I should introduce them to the person who invented that blue wobbly half disc thingy. They would have a field day together wearing balance bands and balancing precariously while performing strict pistol squats with one kettlebell above their heads. I mean seriously...balance bands?! Give me a break! And please feel free not to comment below if you wear these tacky pieces of s**t plastic that probably don’t work (just my opinion). WTF 7*
7) Loud people discussing in detail last night’s conquests with their loud friends: You must have encountered these ill-mannered baboons before. If not, you obviously haven’t hung out at many commercial gyms as unfortunately I have. (I look forward to the comments below from people who adopt the "it’s your choice to train there...no one has a gun to your head" approach. Please accept my sincere apologies if I choose not to be bored with your unwanted views.)
Personally, I feel disinclined to have my ears polluted with the ramblings of some incoherent, pimply faced weed of a teenager who either did or didn’t ‘get some’ last night. This isn’t helped by the fact that they seemingly haven’t had access to a dictionary or indeed any form of education for the last 18 or so years, so all you tend to hear are phrases like 'sick,' 'blood,' and 'innit.' Don’t quote me directly on this though. My apologies if my ghetto speak is a little rusty.
If they focused their energy more on lifting heavy weight and less on flapping their gills, they wouldn’t have the body of a six-year-old girl and they would almost certainly see more action. Save your bulls**t for the school yard, son. I’m trying to focus on getting ‘swole’ here and I can’t concentrate with you yapping in my ear hole. If I hear another peep out of you, I’m going to make you eat that dipping belt and trust me when I say it doesn’t taste nice! WTF 8*
8) People who drive around the parking lot for half an hour looking for the nearest possible space to the entrance when there are millions of spaces toward the back: I know this isn’t technically limited to commercial gyms, but what the heck! It’s a very valid point that I feel should be shared. Some call it the law of attraction. I call it stupid sheep like people without any brain and zero originality. Yeah, that’s got a nice ring to it!
Seriously, how long will it take to walk that extra 100 yards? One minute? Maybe two minutes? Come on you guys! Step out of your comfort zone. Live a little. You’ll live a lot longer if you exercise at a moderate intensity for 2–3 minutes a day. WTF 7*
While we’re on the subject, the same applies to those inconsiderate morons who think they can just pull up outside the gym in the loading/drop off zone or worse still park in the disabled spaces (these guys are clearly not disabled in any way) and just swagger into the gym like they’re some untouchable gangster. I hope you douchebags get clamped or towed or better still clapped in irons and thrown in the dungeons. WTF 8*
9) Ugly receptionists: Just kidding!
9) People who wear skinny fit T-shirts to exaggerate small arms (the real nine this time): This is a dirty low down trick employed by those who simply don’t possess ‘guns’ worthy of public viewing. I bet you think you’re mighty clever don’t you, pouting over by the water cooler in that suspiciously snug fitting Hollister number. Let me see, I can’t quite see the label…is that a size medium or a small? Yes, but there isn't any need to advertise the fact!
Unfortunately, the T-shirt doesn’t add inches to your manhood and it won’t help you to lift more. These are two facts you should probably bear in mind before rushing out to your nearest retail outlet. My advice is this—put away that post workout banana, which you no doubt shoved in your training bag before you set off for work. Bananas will not turn you into a babe magnet. Fact! Instead, fill your shaker full of whey protein and oats and prepare for your weekly food bill to double. It takes a long, long time to get big (cleanly). This is a hard fact of life, my friends, so either get used to the idea or be content on staying small and weed-like. It’s your choice. But don’t just cop out and reach for the tightest T-shirt you can find in the dryer (a great shrinking tool by the way). This just makes you a pathetic cheat and no one likes a cheat, do they? Plus, you’re bound to get found out pretty damn quickly when those knots in your arms suddenly become visible overnight.
You would gain more respect from your peers if you just manned the f**k up and wore the right size or maybe a size bigger. That way you can at least earn the right to show those arms off, but don’t come up in here and pretend you're Ronnie Coleman just coz you know which way the beach is. WTF 7*
10) People who take/use their mobile phones on the gym floor: Just when you bunch of first class douchebags thought you’d got away with it. Boom! Gotcha! I was just saving you until last. Not so smug now, are we?
Can I just make this point abundantly clear. There isn't a single good reason to have your mobile phone on the gym floor. I’ll spell it out in capitals so you get the message loud and clear—THERE ISN'T A SINGLE GOOD REASON TO HAVE YOUR MOBILE PHONE ON THE GYM FLOOR!
“But I’m a doctor and I have to have my phone on me at all times.” Bulls**t! Why? What’s so important that it can’t wait a few minutes? If you’re expecting an emergency call at any moment, let’s face it, you probably shouldn’t be wasting your time on that treadmill, should you? Pick a day and time when you aren't on call. If you’re always on call, well then may I suggest you get a gym in your garage at home. You don’t have a garage? Oh well, never mind. You can just make do with your living room instead. As long as the solution doesn’t involve you hogging my breathing space, I couldn’t give a s**t!
I couldn’t care less if the future of civilization depended on people having their phones with them when training. I don’t want to see them, hear them, or even know they exist when I’m trying to shift some weight. There’s nothing worse than having to listen to some moron talking to his business partner either about some deal that’s about to go down. You won’t be smiling for long if you don’t put that phone away, son! And is that a Smith machine you’re benching in? Douchebag!
That s**t is just annoying. If it’s that important, why don’t you run along and actually do the deal instead of taking up a bench that could be better used by someone who actually gives a crap about their training. WTF 9*
I hope you enjoyed this post. Please feel free to leave your comments below. Please see above for reasons why you shouldn't comment and please forgive my irritable responses. Rest assured that I will be working away on the next installment so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I also intend to pen some articles on topics a little closer to home. It isn't just commercial gyms that may come under fire. This may shock some. I’ll try and keep that under wraps for now though until all is revealed. You’ll just have to keep checking us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Four Square and at our website www.strengthandperformance.co.uk.
Was that a shameless plug? I think so! OK, enough already. Please feel free to laugh, cry, enjoy, share, tweet, re-tweet, rant, cancel your gym membership, lift some heavy s**t, burn your Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirts, run out and buy a barbell and some plates, or whatever. Just keep doing what you do and strive to be awesome! Until the next time, stay strong!
I cant do back squats or deadlifts - spinal injury due to motorcycle accident (I do hip squats, sissy squats, Cossack squats, hyperextensions, and reverse lunge, I hope they are acceptable).
I don't even do a flat bench press (I think incline press, dips, reverse grip press and pullovers are far better).
Gawd I don't even do free weight curls! (the constant tension from a cable feels like heaven, and chin so do chin ups!) My arms will always look tiny compared to the rest of my body because..... the rest of my body is much bigger due to genetics, skinny fit t shirt all the way bro to compensate!
You must hate me haha :D
I have also seen the "ugly in the gym"
Like loading a barbell and doing ab rollouts. While having the audacity to claim that increasing the barbell weight makes it harder.
Fair point because the barbell rolls slower at heavier weight.
But none of these guys are powerlifters.
They yung bloods in a commercial gym who shouldnt use the barbell and weights while others can use for dead/overhead/rows.
Then I've seen the lat pulldown tricep extension.
Where idiots use the lat pulldown machine to do tricep pulldowns because they dont want to walk to the tricep machine.
I could keep on going COMMERCIAL gyms...