We asked you on Facebook for an exercise you should never do. Not even if Jim Wendler told you to. Not even if Dave Tate said it was awesome!
- "Tricep kickbacks." - Dave Bendle
- "Upright row...haven't done a single repetition in over two years and shoulders have never felt better." - Bryan Bradshaw
- "Cock pushups." - Barry Haylock
- "Got to be dumbbell kickbacks." - Glenn Smith Jr.
- "Glute isolator machine." - Matthew Smith
- "Direct calf work. Prowler sprints seem to work them fine." - Chris Hill
- "Power cleans and tricep kickbacks." - Tyler First
- "Sled pull with four plates up a sloped parking lot in the Florida heat." - Devon Pegues
- "Curls - or any exercise for that matter - standing on a BOSU ball." - Kori Pagel Harris
- "Seated calf raises." - Luke Barber
- "Anything overhead, shit puts me out for a week." - Lindsey Craft
- "Pull-throughs. I never really got anything out if them and you couldn't get enough weight on the cable machine at my gym." - Jim Glover
- "Concentration curls." - Ray Rhoads
- "Upright rows." - Joe Lescano Handabaka
- "Hack squats." - Adam Harman
- "Straight bar curls. Far too rough on the wrists." - Tom Dove
- "Leg extensions. I like my knees." - Scott Haney
- "Skull crushers!" - John Lorenzo
- "Step ups." - Al Caslow
- "The snatch, clean or jerk. Too technical and take too much time to learn for it to be effective for me at this point." - Sean Christian Hartzell
- "Upright row. Feels terrible on my shoulders." - Alex Hall
- "Stone carries with the New Mexico stone. My training partners and I used to carry this big chunk of concrete until failure. My back, legs, arms and everything in between used to hurt for days afterward. Then one day, it broke. Damn shame, it was a good stone." - Rich Kahle
- "I will never again attempt a GHG barbell snatch." - Charles Stanley
- "Dumbbell kickbacks, I will never do. Only fitness girls and gym geeks do them." - Jim Voronin
- "Kickback and lying dumbbell curls." - Benjamin Andres Acevedo
- "Zercher Squats - strained my bicep doing them." - Jon Taylor
- "Rack curls." - Ben Halverson
- "Cable crossovers...dumbest exercise ever." - Will Callahan
- "I tried this new fad called uh, jogging. Never again." - P.J. Vallier
- "Kneeling squats." - Michael Hart
- "Arnold presses, heavy upright rows, dips and skull crushers." - Ryan Ward
- "Bradford press." - Jonathon Wright
- "Preacher curls." - Sean Barnaby Behan
- "Frigging tricep kickbacks...these should only be done by people who know what they are doing, you know like personal trainers." - Michael Nease
- "The Prowler. F that thing!" - Johann Gylfason
- "JM presses...yuck." - Molly Edwards
- "Anything on a smith machine." - Nicolas Amp
- "Donkey raises with my mother." - Jacob Rothenberg
- "Benching." - Jason Pegg
- "Curls in the squat rack." - Andy Loiacano
What exercise would you never do?