If only I had known these essential ingredients for getting stronger, leaner, and more energetic when I was competing in bodybuilding, it would have made things a whole lot easier. On second thought, I did know these things and many of you will know them, too. It's only a matter of putting them into practice. If you're neurotic about your strength training and body, you will more than likely be of the mindset that more is better and sleep is for sissys. I've been fighting that problem all my life, but then something changed.
I was at a seminar where I got the chance to see elite strength coach, Martin Rooney, speak. I actually saw him a few times, and each time he talked about the importance of sleep. The first time, it kind of stuck. The second time, I listened and dug deeper. I made a promise to myself that for two months I would get at least eight hours of sleep per night. This would be two more than my usual six. At this time, I also started to supplement more with fish oils, taking in 12–20 grams per day. Without changing anything else, I lost ten pounds of body fat and had the best strength producing workouts of my life. Notice—I didn't change anything with my nutrition yet lost 10 pounds. I didn't add in any extra conditioning either. My energy throughout the day was also superb. And I was getting just as much stuff accomplished every day on my daily to do list. I didn't get sick during the winter for the first time in the five years that I've been teaching physical education.
I read the book, Why Zebras Don’t get Ulcers, by Sapolsky and that shed some more light on the issue. Sleep is critical. If you aren’t sleeping enough, you are never fully entering a parasympathetic state, the state in which you recover and make your best gains. This is the state after the stress is applied and the tissue must adapt. Also, lack of sleep will lead to raised cortisol levels. Some cortisol is OK, but too much is the strength athlete’s enemy! The double whammy of fish oil and sleep with be the best ‘upper’ medicine you could ever find. I can’t emphasize enough to my students, athletes, and clients how much sleep will aide in their growth, fat loss, muscle gain, cognitive function, and everything else in between. Something simple, something overlooked too often. Turn off the television and sleep! And don’t forget the fish oil…