I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this way, but I don't feel that it's necessary to weigh things on a scale or count grams of protein and carbs like a tool... but I need to lose a lot of fat. You were able to do it and still stay very strong... what tips can you give to accomplish this?
Easy— don't live a fat life for 30 years. I lost 40 pounds easily because I had lived for 30 years with low body fat. Then, I gained weight to reach my goal, reached the goal, and then I was smart enough to move to another goal.
When your body has been living a certain way for 30 or so years, taking four years "off" isn't going to do much. To this day, my metabolism is still cranking, and it all has to do with my past. I don't really have to watch what I eat because I still remain incredibly active with Prowler, hills, biking, and lifting. This is also known as "habit." I should also point out that I can eat what I want because I also have mastered the art of self-restraint. I don't need to eat a box of Oreo's because someone said something mean about me on the internet.
This is why it is imperative that kids don't grow up fat. You see people that post about their diets, take pics of their food, become military-like in their stance on "their diet," talk about gluten (or whatever the new "bad fad" is this year)— this can all be prevented by not having a weird, unhealthy obsession with food.
My advice to anyone is this:
- Do the NOV Training template
- Eat 3-4 basic meals/day
- Repeat until this becomes ingrained in your DNA
Thanks and good luck,
Jim Wendler
I have been trying to eat clean and have failed terribly. This is partly due to a lack of discipline and partly because my wife is pregnant, and she makes a damn tray of brownies EVERY night.
This being said, I am thinking Carb Back-Loading may be the way to go. Your thoughts?
Also, I am lucky in that I can train at anytime of the day. From what I have read, training late afternoon is optimal for the CBL program?
Johnny my friend,
Here is my advice:
- Stop being a pussy and making excuses.
- Have some willpower and don't eat anything in sight.
- Nothing easy is worth doing. If you want to be lean and healthy it takes commitment.
- CBL is not a license to eat crap all the time. It does allow it, but I feel you should stick to better foods like potatoes and sticky rice, bananas, etc.
- Eating a tray of brownies every night cannot be good for your blood profile.
- Training in the afternoon to early evening is optimal for CBL.
Let me know when you need another round of positive reinforcement,
What's your top protein sources for muscle gaining, cleaning, and bulking with limited fat?
- Chicken
- Top of the Round Beef
- Cottage Cheese: low or no fat
Any low fat meat is good, this is just what I like to eat.
I always prefer food over powder.
I wish Jameson had a high protein content.
- Murph
A friend asked me what I thought of his son using protein powder. He is 12 years old. I said I thought it was not necessary and that at 12 you can easily get what you need from food. The kid plays lacrosse and hockey, but I still don't see it as needed if he has a good diet- which at 12 should be easy. How do u feel about that ?
How many people really (I mean really) have their nutritional plans "dialed" in?
I agree, if the young man is getting a balanced HEALTHY diet, then No, he doesn't need anything extra.
HOWEVER... most of the foods a 12-year-old consumes, SUCKS monkey nut. Moms and Dads are aclueistic (if you look that word up, you are too because I made it up) when it comes to what proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are. I have countless conversations with seemingly intelligent adults that have NO IDEA how to plan their nutrition to coincide with meeting goals.
So, maybe a few supplements might not be a bad idea if they replace soda pop and sweetened juices. Perhaps that protein shake with raw milk will take the place of a bag o' chips. In that case, I'll recommend it.
- Harry Selkow