One of our customers sent us the following e-mail message:
Hi Dave,
I just finished watching the nine-part video series with yourself, Jim Wendler and Buddy Morris from 2005.
I visited elitefts™ for several years and my blinders must have been on, as I never saw these before. It came at a good time for me, as I had injury problems for some time now, which in turn caused much frustration in my training. I'm 41-years-old and listening to you guys talk about the training and recovery process really opened my eyes. I'm finally realizing that as I get older, I must increase my rehab/prehab and be more aware of my training and recovery, and alter it accordingly. I kept pushing on (training wise) like I did when I was in my 20's and didn't do very much in the way of recovery/injury prevention...well any dummy knows that this would eventually lead to disaster! These videos made me realize what I needed to do in order to preserve longevitiy in doing what I love...lifting!! I know that if I continue down the path I'm on, I would eventually become a cripple and not be able to lift the way I want to.
So, thank you for doing these videos! You, Jim and Buddy are very bright people...everything you guys discussed made so much sense, I just wish I came across these videos a few years back because it might have saved me from a lot of the frustration I'm experiencing now.
By the way, I was a massage therapist/sports injury therapist for almost 12 years and constantly preach prehab/rehab to my clients. I just don't understand why I was so stupid not to take my own damn advice that I continue to give out daily!
Thank you for the wealth of information you and your staff offer on a daily basis. All the best for continued success in business and life!
Sometime we are so busy coming up with new and different content, that we forget about some of our older articles and video posts. Thanks to Scott for reminding us about these old gems!
In 2005, Dave Tate and Jim Wendler headed to a professional football franchise training center to meet with famed strength coach Buddy Morris and his (at-that-time) assistant Thomas Myslinski. Dave had royally fudged his knee up so the discussion started there and evolved into programming, recovery and general training concepts. These nine videos are chocked full of some really amazing content. Enjoy!
Part 1 Video (2:37)
- Introduction. Buddy Morris tells us what Dave did to his knee
- Why inflammation of the VMO (vastus medialis oblique) is a problem
- Importance of patella-femoral prehab which they refer to as TKEs (terminal knee extensions)
Part 2 Video (5:09)
- Buddy Morris has Dave do a TKE with a band
- How to perform a low-box heel touch
- The importance of progressions depending on how weak the athlete may be or the severity of an injury
- Performing a low-box heel touch with a band
Part 3 Video
- How to perform a high-box TKE with a heel touch
- Value and performance of a TKE on a slant board
- Dave meets and falls deeply in love with a foam roller (to cause some IT band release and work out some knots)
- Single-legged TKE stork stance for time (done for time to increase the time-under-tension for the VMO)
- Telemarket squat or single-leg banded TKE (advanced movement)
Part 4 Video (5:29)
- Telemarket squat with a cable providing an offset resistance
- Buddy explains how to program these movements into a program
- TKE on a multi-hip machine
- TKE Walk slide against the wall with a stability ball
- The importance of variation in movement patterns, training in blocks
Part 5 Video (7:13)
- Limitation on the development of two stressful primary skills
- Value of Olympic lifting for football
- Detrimental effect of competitive load and adjustments to in-season training
- Two primary responsibilities of a strength coach
- "Rest becomes a training means"
- Teach in segments (part-whole method)
- Teach in reverse
Part 6 Video (7:52)
- The toll of stress
- What's going to give first?
- Perception of pain and stress
- Individual variance in recovery from competition or a max effort
- Kids should be three-sport athletes in order to develop GPP and multiple motor panels
- Internal restoration
Part 7 Video (9:10)
- A discussion of some basic training concepts
- Factoring in fatigue when traveling or in stressful situations
- Training heavy early
- Avoiding excessive warm-ups
- Minimizing stress
- Harnessing intensity
- Wendler coughs up a lung in the background
- The cost of a small margin of improvement among elite athletes
Part 8 Video (6:49)
- The great college strength programs in the country SUCK!
- Often the quality of the athletes is what makes a strength coach a stud
- "Information doubles every 18 months. How can your program not evolve?"
- Get your information from experts that spent time under the bar
- All training is functional
- Programming is useless if athletes do not know proper form
- Max effort work as a dynamic functional assessment tool
Part 9 Video (6:57)
- Teach in reverse applied to the bench
- Part-whole approach to teaching reverse hypers and box squats
- Paying attention to the application of the movement
- Value of constant learning