![Why "Chest Up" in the Squat is Wrong](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/CDuffinHeader0522141.jpg)
The importance of integrating the thoracic spine into your core stabilization is often overlooked or coached incorrectly. I am going to cover multiple aspects of T-Spine position in the squat, with multiple videos. If you have T-Spine extension while squatting, you have the opportunity to put 10-15 percent on top of your current max squat by correcting it. It is more than just not extending at the T-Spine, however. You must learn to cue the muscles responsible for pulling the T-Spine into position which will integrate this deep spinal stabilization with proper breathing and pressurization strategies. I cover these strategies here, if you are not familiar with them.
Next, I will cover thoracic spine extension in the squat, your hand position on the bar, its impact to T-Spine position, and how to integrate the bar on your shoulders into your core.
- The misunderstood squat cue (0:54)
- Remember what matters: the core (1:42)
- Bad ribcage position (3:03)
- The better squat cue (3:51)
- Why focusing on chest up in the squat is harmful (5:28)
- Pressurize, twist heels, fire glutes, and squat (7:53)