Hey Bob,
Hope all is well with you and your family! I am curious, I have always found myself worrying about the future, worrying about making money, and not really enjoying the present.
Since you faced cancer and survived, how has it impacted your view on life and what is really important to you? Thanks, and keep going strong!
We don't always have control of the future. We all do the best we can to make the most of our future for ourselves and our families. But, worrying about it? Why? What good does it do you? The best way to ensure a happy future is to work hard and live hard in the now!
Here is the famous saying, "Money can't buy happiness." There has never been a more true or a more false saying ever. It is true that money doesn't buy happiness. BUT, life sure is a hell of lot easier when you have money. It's a fine line to walk. I look at it this way. I need to have enough money to provide for my family what it needs and some money to provide it what it wants. I very much like spoiling my son, but he also is learning to understand the value of a dollar.
How has cancer affected my view? I used to chase the almighty dollar. I have, at points in my life, made more money than I was worth. I have also, at points, wondered how I was going to eat come next paycheck. My mindset now is that I always can make more money. I cannot and will not always have more time with my family. So, I try to make enough money to ensure my family will have enough money without jeopardizing my ability to ALWAYS be there for them.
This may sound very morbid, but it is very true. When you are born, you are guaranteed one thing in life...some day you will die. It's what you do between the time you are born and the time you die that matters!
Live life to fullest and enjoy the living hell out of out. I sure do!
PS. I was about to post this and I thought about what I did yesterday. Michele and I had my family over for burgers, dogs, baked beans, and my beloved custard pie. When they lay me down to rest, I will not miss my days at work. I will however miss all the days I sat with my family at the dinner table and ate those burgers, dogs, baked beans, and even my beloved custard pie. Live life like you only get one chance...as you truly do.
Extraordinary Resolve: Six Months for the Rest of My Life.