A Fresh Look at French Contrast Method Variations
A Fresh Look at French Contrast Method Variations
Design strength and power programs targeting both hypertrophy and metabolic goals. Includes comprehensive lower and upper body workouts, plyometrics, and a 3-week progressive cycle.
12-Week SS Yoke Bar Squat Program to Boost Your Deadlift
12-Week SS Yoke Bar Squat Program to Boost Your Deadlift
Who knew SS Yoke Bar Squats carry over to deadlift PRs. Try this 12-week program NOW to BOOST your deadlift!
My First 500 Pound Squat Cycle
My First 500 Pound Squat Cycle
This is the exact training cycle I used in the mid-80s to squat my first 500 pounds.
The Hover Deadlift 
The Hover Deadlift 
If you need a way to make lighter loads work harder for you, give this a try!
8 Weeks to a Stronger Overhead Press
8 Weeks to a Stronger Overhead Press
An overhead press is going to take work and every five-pound PR is going to be earned the hard way.
16 Week Conjugate Periodization Program For Novice Powerlifters
16 Week Conjugate Periodization Program For Novice Powerlifters
Limit the variables that’ll derail your early powerlifting experience as an inexperienced lifter. Here’s conjugate in a nutshell.
How To Program Strength Circuits
How To Program Strength Circuits
Part two of the strength circuits series will help you evaluate which circuit to follow based on a few criteria. Program wisely—it’s easy to burnout.
30 Minutes to Better Work Capacity
30 Minutes to Better Work Capacity
If you have time to watch a TV show, you have time for a workout. This 30-minute training program will help you build strength and overall fitness.
Grip Program to Never Drop a Deadlift
Grip Program to Never Drop a Deadlift
Think of grip strength like any other type of strength. To make it stronger, you have to train it heavier.
1+ Per Day for Strength
1+ Per Day for Strength
Your strength training program does not have to be complicated. Enhance your workout efficiently with this structured minimalist approach.
The Six-Day Split (with Program Sample)
The Six-Day Split (with Program Sample)
Maintain strength and fullness with this program as you deplete your dietary stores to reach low levels of bodyfat.
Two Blueprints for Successful Recomposition
Two Blueprints for Successful Recomposition
By popular demand, this article provides two blueprints to recomp. Which plan will you choose?
High School Weight Training Progressions
High School Weight Training Progressions
From foundational exercises to advanced programming, these weight training progressions are tailored for high school athletes to strengthen performance and minimize injury risks.
New and Improved Box Programming for 2024
New and Improved Box Programming for 2024
Jason Brown shares how he’d create new and improved box programming. The biggest factors are…
Hypertrophy Training for Athletes
Hypertrophy Training for Athletes
These programming options provide a variety of training methods including cluster waves, armour plating, and conjugate.
A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting
A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting
Block Periodization is not a one-size-fits-all training system. It is not a matter of sets x reps, exact exercises, and personal beliefs.
How to Increase Your Bench with an El Gordo Fat Bar
How to Increase Your Bench with an El Gordo Fat Bar
The Fat Bar Theory can lead to remarkable improvements in your bench press performance.
Be Your Own Strength Coach
Be Your Own Strength Coach
Embrace the wisdom of ‘Everyday Better’ and tailor your programming based on proven systems and personal goals.
Unlock the Power of Full Body Training
Unlock the Power of Full Body Training
Learn how Full Body Training (FBT) can optimize your workout time, enhance mobility, and improve body composition.
Speed, Power, and a Pump for the Washed-Up Meathead
Speed, Power, and a Pump for the Washed-Up Meathead
As a retired powerlifter (aka washed-up meathead) I still want my workouts productive and worthwhile. Try this out!
Build Your Ruck Without Breaking Your Body
Build Your Ruck Without Breaking Your Body
Did shuffling with a ruck for 30-40 miles a week wreak havoc? Absolutely. Learn now to build your ruck SMARTER and STRONGER.
You Are Not a Genetic Outlier
You Are Not a Genetic Outlier
Most people train like the athletes and Olympians they admire, but that’s poor practice. Train for YOU, and watch your progress skyrocket.
Kettlebell Training for Strength
Kettlebell Training for Strength
My goal was to safely train for the maximum strength a kettlebell could offer. Here’s how I improved grip, cardiovascular fitness, and GPP pain-free.
Conjugate x Conditioning Tactical Athlete Programming
Conjugate x Conditioning Tactical Athlete Programming
Let’s boil down program design for the tactical athlete into five main categories: peak sustainability, stress management, [click for more].
3-Day-a-Week Full Body Program for Team Sports
3-Day-a-Week Full Body Program for Team Sports
The three-day-a-week full body program is the most productive in team sports preparation. Here’s what we’re doing for 2023!
Implementing APRE With Max Effort Conjugate Training
Implementing APRE With Max Effort Conjugate Training
Although this may look super confusing initially, I promise that if you can do some simple math, you can make the APRE system work.
16-Week Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
16-Week Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
If you have an equal love for bodybuilding and powerlifting with a goal to become bigger and stronger, this program is for YOU.
How to Smash Track PRs with Timed Squats
How to Smash Track PRs with Timed Squats
We adopted the timed squat method from Louie Simmons. Let’s just say we had the most regional qualifiers in school history.
A Guide to Twice-Daily Training
A Guide to Twice-Daily Training
Do you hit a wall by the time you get to accessories? What if you split your sessions in two and hit accessories after rest and more food?
Strongman Training for Non-Strongman
Strongman Training for Non-Strongman
As an athlete, a powerlifter, or weekend warrior, strongman training can be extremely beneficial. Here’s how to program it in.
Youth Soccer Conditioning Program 
Youth Soccer Conditioning Program 
We’ve pushed our kids into an ultra-competitive environment where student-athletes no longer have a true off-season. Here’s what I propose.
Conjugate for the Everyday Athlete
Conjugate for the Everyday Athlete
Are you over 35, a busy professional, love to train, and hate to feel like shit? Perfect! This training template is for you!
Training for Size and Strength
Training for Size and Strength
Here’s the simple plan with a four-day-a-week training split of upper and lower body. Each session has four exercises that’ll take an hour to complete.
Training for Soldier Athletes
Training for Soldier Athletes
The U.S. soldier is an athlete that requires strong muscles, bones, and connective tissue to prevent injury.
Trialing a Rotating Weekly Plan
Trialing a Rotating Weekly Plan
Here are my ideas for a rotating weekly plan that I’ve been trialing this month with my exact exercises and training loads. I’m sore!
4-Week Repeatable Workhorse Program
4-Week Repeatable Workhorse Program
This program is a combination and rewrite of a five-day cycle I followed for ten weeks (two-and-a-half blocks) after a tear in my erector and some serious knee pain.
3-Day Conjugate Split for the Raw Lifter
3-Day Conjugate Split for the Raw Lifter
A simple and practical solution for those on tight schedules. With this setup, add hundreds of pounds to your total.
12-Week Omni-Contraction Program for Powerlifters
12-Week Omni-Contraction Program for Powerlifters
Use the omni-contraction method and the different contractions (concentric, eccentric, and isometric) to improve your powerlifting total.  
4-Week Hypertrophy Block for the Powerlifter
4-Week Hypertrophy Block for the Powerlifter
In 4 weeks, relieve tired muscles, add muscle or lose fat, and reenergize your CNS for the next cycle with this hypertrophy block.
The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
How can we create the damage and nastiness required for a productive leg workout while sparing our backs?
How to Determine the Right Training Split in 5 Steps
How to Determine the Right Training Split in 5 Steps
Most people try to cram a square peg into a round hole when choosing their training plan. Why not create a training split that compliments your lifestyle?
Movement Tiers for Squat and Deadlift Weakness
Movement Tiers for Squat and Deadlift Weakness
Use these movement tiers to help athletes and coaches program the correct movements for specific weaknesses in squats or deadlifts. 
8-Week Reset Program for the Stressed Lifter
8-Week Reset Program for the Stressed Lifter
Use this 8-week reset program to give yourself an “active break” while reaping the physical and mental benefits of regular training.
Make Combat Athletes Strong
Make Combat Athletes Strong
The skills for specific sports will rise with the raising of the athlete’s absolute strength. Don’t be afraid to make combat athletes strong.
Three-Times-A-Week Conjugate
Three-Times-A-Week Conjugate
Here’s how to use a three-times-a-week conjugate split for your clients. You may just find this split more goal-conducive than a typical split.
A Core Training Blueprint for the Athlete
A Core Training Blueprint for the Athlete
It’s a simple model that uses stabilization, strength, and sport transfer to build the core of your athletes.
Commercial Gym Conjugate
Commercial Gym Conjugate
Conjugate doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s what it is in the most simplest terms, along with a program to get you started anywhere.
Burn Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time
Burn Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time
The results will come pretty fast too, so you don’t need to do it for several months before you notice fat loss and muscle gain.
12-Week Conjugate Program for Raw Powerlifting
12-Week Conjugate Program for Raw Powerlifting
Get stronger, bigger, and quicker following this 12-week conjugate program for raw powerlifters.
Programming for a Full Off-Season
Programming for a Full Off-Season
Here’s a Major League Rugby (MLR) perspective on how to set up programming after the last game of the season.
Conjugate x Conditioning Football
Conjugate x Conditioning Football
Use these templates to cover all bases (strength development and conditioning) in one seamless program!
INTERVIEW: Owner of Sports Advantedge Brian Bott
INTERVIEW: Owner of Sports Advantedge Brian Bott
Meet Coach Brian Bott to learn how he uses the conjugate method for his collegiate football players. Need to see the results? They’re here!
Should Combat Athletes Bodybuild?
Should Combat Athletes Bodybuild?
If you’re still in the “bodybuilding will hinder flexibility” camp, it’s time for you to update your training IQ.
How To Progress a 6-Week Full-Body Training Program
How To Progress a 6-Week Full-Body Training Program
To progress a 6-week full-body training program, let’s consider sets, reps, weight, and tempo.
The Triple Triad Dogg Shitt Method
The Triple Triad Dogg Shitt Method
You followed part 1 and part 2 and had great results. Here’s ten more weeks to keep pushing beyond your limitations.
8-Week Bodybuilding Program for the Beat Up Powerlifter
8-Week Bodybuilding Program for the Beat Up Powerlifter
If you’re feeling crusty as a powerlifter, it’s time to dial the heavy weight DOWN and turn the reps and blood flow UP with this 8-week bodybuilding program.
Off-Season Gym Programming
Off-Season Gym Programming
This article presents a few of my favorite programming variations to achieve the desired outcome this off-season.
The Powerbuilder Program is Here
The Powerbuilder Program is Here
We will beat puniness and weakness once and for all as we combine bodybuilding and powerlifting to form the ULTIMATE unity.

Items 1 to 59 of 553 total