Guidelines to Designing Your Own Routine
This is a guide for those who are just getting started and need a push in the right direction as far as workout program design.
Buddy Morris Interview (pt2)- November 2007
Dave Tate, Buddy Morris, Thomas Myslinski, and Jim Wendler discuss training concepts.
20 Things Everyone Who Lifts Should Know
Aw shit…it’s another “top 20” or “20 things” list about training. Great.
Lift Strong Excerpt: NFL Linebacker In-Season Strength Program
*The number of workouts that this athlete performed each week with me was dependent on the team’s practice schedule, meeting schedule, travel time & injuries that occurred during the season.
Rest Intervals and Reps
Everyone seemed pretty fired up about the modified Westside program. I received an overwhelming response to my recent article, “Westside for Skinny Bastards.”
10 Reasons to Start the 3X3 Program
I’m a big fan of programs that focus on doing a few things very well. Complicated programs are rarely built to last and few trainees benefit from them.
The Right Piece for the Right Puzzle: Training High School Athletes with...
“There are a hundred ways to skin a cat, I am only good at one of them”, is something my grandfather used to say to me all the time.
The Triumvirate
The number 3 is held in reverence by many people. Of course, the title of this article is in reference to the Roman Empire and where would we be without them?
The Circa-Maximal Squat Phase
The circa max phase is a three week squat phase designed to peak you for your contest.
PR Rx: Todd Brock’s Bench Routine
I have been training with Todd Brock for over 12 years now. I first met Todd during my 2 hour road trips to Westside Barbell.
Causal Friday
How things have changed. Five years ago, all you ever read were articles on how to use your gear, how to use your bench shirt, squat suit, knee wraps, etc. Now people want articles on how to train without gear. Very strange.
Top 3 Dynamic Squat and Dynamic Bench Cycles
In the spirit of the 4th of July, we are going to focus on explosive (re: dynamic) training. So listed below are the top 3 cycles for the squat and bench.
Going Heavy
For those that don’t know how I train or how I think – it all comes down to one thing; Going Heavy.
Davidson College Football Program
Evan Simon recently became the head strength and conditioning coach for Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina.
Matt Rhodes' Westside Template
Matt is one of the least physically gifted lifters that I have ever seen.
Training with Angelo Beradinelli’s Progressive Evolution System
I want to acknowledge the guys from PES for welcoming me into their group.
Got Bench?
I don’t care what gym you train at there’s always that one question that, essentially, is used as a measuring stick of your masculinity; “How much do you bench?”
Variation on Max Effort Training
There are two variations to this structure. For the sake of time and space, I will only discuss one at this time. The second variation is a bit more complicated and is recommended for an experienced lifter only.
John Bott's Squat Rehabilitation Program
On June 17, 2000 while competing in the IPA York Barbell Strength Spectacular I completely ruptured my right patella tendon while setting up with my opening squat attempt of 780 pounds.
Kenny Patterson: As a bench press specialist I train somewhat different
from the other members of the Westside Barbell Club.
Preparation for the 2001 IPA Nationals
Here is a training diary and some thoughts on my preparation for the 2001 IPA Nationals.