Training with Purpose: Correlation and Causation
In training, is there really a clear-cut cause for any outcome?
No Bullsh*t: Ain’t It Sweet to Be Elite
The sweet and sour of the NBS Fitness powerlifting team’s first meet.
The Big Seminar: Matt Rhodes, Part 3
In this excerpt from Matt Rhode’s speech at TPS’s the Big Seminar 2, Matt gives an overview of his summer football strength and conditioning protocol.
Bringing Speed and Strength to a High School Baseball Program
It doesn’t take state-of-the-art equipment or additional practice time to build better athletes.
elitefts™ Roundtable: Programs & Programming
At this year’s UGSS, many elitefts™ team members gathered together to discuss the particulars of proper programming.
Turn Up the Volume: The Issue of Sustainable, High Volume, Powerlifting ...
Think you ready for high volume training? Here are a few things you should consider.
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts
Truth: Sometimes hard work isn’t enough, and success can’t be made from copying and pasting what someone else did.
Science and Practice: A Response to Glassman
Is Glassman correct? Is there no need for science in programming?
Kentucky Strong: Three Little Things That May Make You a Better Lifter
Are you falling victim to one of these three common lifting mistakes?
Training with Purpose
One Size Does Not Fit All, Pt. 1: Programming and Qualification in Powerlifting
Verkoshansky, Aristotle, and the Cube Method
A properly constructed training system is one with a synergy between training means such that the result is greater than the sum of the individual training means.
Training Block III: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
The final block in Coach X’s GPP program… Get ready to work.
No Bullsh*t!: The Four Types of Extra Workouts
These can make a significant difference in your training, technique, and strength gains.
Training Block II: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
It’s time for the second training block in Coach X’s GPP program.
Training Block I: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
Coach X reveals the first training block in his GPP program.
Block Periodization for Powerlifting: Revisited and Revised
It’s been two years since his first article on block periodization was published. What has Gabriel Naspinski changed?
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar, Parts 17 & 18
This is part seventeen and eighteen of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar, Parts 15 & 16
This is part fifteen and sixteen of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
Ladders to Success
Ladders—get stronger, fitter, and faster, all without touching a treadmill or resting for light years between sets.
Load Shift Training
You are only as strong as your weakest link; when that link breaks, the related injury can keep you out of the gym for an extended period of time.
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 2
I care about results and that’s what we get—results!
The Most Underrated Movements
There are no special mystery exercises that only the best of the best know.
More About Informational Integrity
I simply don’t like frauds who attempt to practice their fraudulence at my expense.
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 1
The three common strengths the athletes displayed were hard work, dedication, and sacrifice.
Garage Gyms: How to Run Groups Effectively
Your coaching facility should be a place where work is accomplished, goals are met, and pride is instilled.
44 and Broken, Part 1
When I was younger, I read about Hatfield’s 1000-pound squat and said to myself, “I will do that someday.” That day never came.
Iron Subculture UNCENSORED with Dave Tate
Dave shows up for work pretty riled up. He feels the need to say some things…
Prehabilitation for Bigger PRs
If you live a healthy enough lifestyle and perform the correct preventative movements, your body’s ability to heal will be exponentially greater.
What Programs Will Get You Brutally Strong?
So, to sum up: pick a program you believe in, work HARD at it and get brutally strong.
Setting Up a Strongman Program
Setting up a strongman program is no different than any other type of program.
Know That You Don’t Know
A great coach knows that he didn’t know and does everything in his power to figure it out.
The Basic Workout Template and FAQ
There are a number of things that can be done to help a lifter that has a weakness off the chest.
The One-Drop Method
Thinking fondly of my favorite brain hemorrhaging Smolov sets and the growth one can literally feel, I chose to include one single drop set in this spirit.
Chain Me to the Squat Rack
I’ll try to give you my advice as best as I can without reviewing your strengths, weaknesses, training, etc.
Isometric Face Pulls
Will I ever cure my kyphosis totally? Probably not, but I can at least work on keeping my shoulders healthy.
The Art of the Trial Session
Many gyms and facilities give free trial sessions to athletes in order to get them in to test drive their program.
LTT IV: Thursday Youth Coaching Session
Anyone can learn the science, the research, and the X’s and O’s, but a great coach leaves the kids smiling.
Interval Sprint Programs for Rapid Fat Loss and Muscle Growth
Most strength athletes would rather go through an all night torture session listening to pop music while being forced to eat tofu instead of doing “cardio.”
Keck's Column: Strength: Are You Building it, or Just Testing it?
There’s certainly a time and place to test your strength, occasionally in the gym and always on the platform.
The Genius is Not in the Program
You don’t need to be a cheerleader, but your interest had best be served by serving the athlete.
Training Concepts, Recovery and Knee Rehab with Buddy Morris
These videos made me realize what I needed to do in order to preserve longevitiy in doing what I love…lifting!!
Training Principles: The Science Behind Improving Athletic Performance
There are many different schools of thought, each with their own ideas on how to train athletes in order to increase athletic performance. So how does one know which particular program will work for any given athlete?
Overview of Periodization Methods for Resistance Training
This is a must read for any trainer, coach or athlete interested in the programming of training.
Surviving Smolov
From August to October of 2011, I did the Smolov squat routine for no reason other than I just wanted to.
Plyometric Considerations for Young Athletes, Part I
Plyometrics (jump training) is a great tool for improving an athlete’s speed, power, explosiveness, elasticity, eccentric strength, and other aspects of the neuromuscular system such as rhythm, balance, proprioception, movement coordination, and agility.
Programming Step by Step
I hope this article gets everyone thinking in very simple terms and approaching programming your training with this step by step approach.
Need Help Programming? Follow Along with Vincent Dizenzo's Bench Tr...
I’m looking forward to my first intensification block in a few weeks when I can blast weight up like I’m used to.
Nine Things Young Athletes Need to Master
So, hopefully if we all continue to do our jobs really well, every coach will be educated on proper exercise execution.
One Cold-blooded Chest Training Session
I’m not sure if I described in past articles how I got in touch with John Meadows and why I’m using him for my training and nutritional programing.
Advanced Squat Cycle
I had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Paul Childress recently and talk about how he sets up his squat cycles before a meet.