
Here is a training diary and some thoughts on my preparation for the 2001 IPA Nationals. This was my first powerlifting meet ever, so I didn’t know what to expect. From what I saw and heard from other competitors is that this meet was as well run as any meet they’ve ever been at. I would encourage anyone interested in powerlifting to enter a meet and experience how much fun it is. Plus, it’s the first time in my life that I’ve been around a group of people that actually have the same ideas, goals and lifestyle that I have. It’s a great place to trade training ideas and stories and to learn.
Despite my rookie status, I did have expectations for myself. I honestly thought I could have totaled elite in the 275 class, and I was only 41 lbs. from doing so. My third squat attempt was 825 and it was a joke. Since I had no prior experience, my opening weight on the squat was much too low. I left a lot on the platform on my squat. With my bench, I opened at 455, then 480 and narrowly missed 500. I was using a borrowed bench shirt and it actually fit me very well. My deadlift is another story. I have a lot of work to do. I have a fairly easy time getting the weight off of the floor, but my lockout is pathetic. I opened at 600 and had two misses at 645. If I would have gotten the 645 deadlift I would have had an elite total. But now I have a something to shoot for. I have some big goals for the IPA meet in March, but I’m not going to list them here. I have mapped out a plan and hope that when the time comes, my training will help me reach my goals.
I would like to thank my training partner, Kevin Deweese, who competed in the teen amateur division. We believe that Kevin set 3 IPA records in the 242 division for amateur teens. He is a big reason why I did so well. We never missed a training day together and I am lucky to have a training partner as dedicated and intense as Kevin is. A good training partner is crucial to your success so if you don’t have one, find one. If you can’t find one, look harder. Also, thanks to Jim Laird and Kevin for handling me. Jim spotted the first two days and did a great job.
I hope that you learn from my training and perhaps get some ideas for yourself and see what could work for you. No two people can train exactly the same, but at the same time, don’t re-invent the wheel. Figure out what works for someone else and adapt to you. If you have any questions or comments about anything you can reach me at JimmyMW@aol.com. Here are some thoughts about my training leading up to the meet as well as a complete workout diary.
Dynamic Squat - For Friday’s DE Squat workout, I used the program that Dave outlined several months ago. I based my percentages on a 725 squat. At the meet, I did a very easy 825. This tells me two things. One, the percentages are just guidelines. Two, speed is the most important thing. Though the workouts were tough, none were slow. I wore loose suit bottoms throughout the cycle, and put my competition suit on the last three weeks. I felt I needed to get used to a new suit and feel if the groove was any different.
The rest times were strictly monitored; I probably averaged 60 seconds rest between sets. This is crucial. Not just for the lactic acid tolerance training, but because if you push through the pain, the meet will be a joke. Some of my Friday workouts were tougher than the meet.
Since I don’t have a monolift, the band set-up was as close as I could get. I was able to get a significant amount of band tension at the bottom. The power rack I used was altered by having a platform built inside of it so I could take a wider stance as well as hooks drilled in the platform for bands. I used a super wide stance and tried to point my toes forward.
I had no trouble squatting without a box at the meet. After having done a hundred
squats on a slightly below parallel box, there was no question that I would break parallel at the meet. All of my squat attempts were given 3 white lights.
Dynamic Bench- If there was one big mistake I made, it was going too heavy on DE Bench Day. I should have used 205 instead of 225. Just like DE Squat, the percentage is just a guideline. Don’t let your ego take over. I alternated using bands and 2 chains/side, changing every three weeks or so. Another thing I learned is that if you are not tired after DE Bench, then you aren’t pushing as hard as you should. Just because the weights are light doesn’t mean your intensity should be. I think that DE days are tougher than ME days, but only if you want them to be.
Max Effort Squat/DL - I could bore you with why Max Effort work is important for intramuscular and intermuscular coordination, but Dave and Louie have touched on that in numerous articles. I think Max Effort work really boils down to two things. First, your body has to learn to strain and fight against maximal weights. Second, you have to have the cajones to get under some serious weight. How can you expect to set PR’s during the meet if you can’t do it every Monday? ME work is nothing but attitude and desire. Bob Youngs once wrote a response on a message board that I will never forget. Someone asked him what it took to squat 800lbs. He responded by writing about a bull rider that was asked what it took to ride the biggest, nastiest bull. The rider answered that it isn’t so much technique but the balls to get on the big S.O.B. Get rid of doubt and fear. Chances are you are not going to die, so you are really risking nothing but your own success. By the way, I never wore a belt on this day.
Max Effort Bench- Just like the ME Squat/DL, you need to learn to strain. Though I missed 500 in the meet, it was very close to lockout and I never stopped pushing. This told me that I learned to push for the required 3 seconds plus more. Again, I learned not to fear big weights. I had several bad weeks leading up to the meet in which I failed to set PR’s. It was probably several different things (new work schedule or too heavy on DE Bench day) but I probably should have used some more variety i.e. adding chains/bands. That way I have more PR’s to break and my confidence will always be high.
Volume - I let my body dictate the volume. I cut out some of the extra workouts during the end of my cycle, because I was very run down from work. I didn’t have a prescribed plan on how many exercises and sets I would do each day. But also, I didn’t let myself give in to fatigue.
Diet - I ate everything I could including Taco Bell and Burger King. Once I stopped worrying about getting X amount of protein and Y amount of carbs, I could concentrate on more important things like training. I’m not advocating a diet based entirely on fast food, but don’t lose your hair over such trivial things. If you want to get strong, you have to eat. You don’t see too many big lifters eating skinless chicken breasts and drinking mineral water. I did eat quite a few protein drinks throughout the day, but I have no idea how many grams of protein I got. I’m guessing around 250-300 on a good day and less than 150 on a day I forgot to prepare my meals. Of course, I didn’t have to watch my weight to remain in the 275’s, so that certainly helped me. Unless you are looking to break some records in a certain weight class, I have no idea why anyone would intentionally diet. But that’s just my opinion.
Equipment - For the squat, I wore a Frantz double polyester squat suit and Frantz double poly groove briefs. I wore Inzer Z knee wraps. For the bench I wore a double denim open back Inzer shirt (Thanks to Keith Conrad for supplying the shirt). For the deadlift, I wore my groove briefs and a loose squat suit. I’m not an expert on equipment and relied on Dave Tate for giving me suggestions. Equipment is a big part of this sport, whether you like it or not. Figuring out how it works best is up to you. I have really no idea how a good bench shirt is supposed to fit, or which squat suit is best. Yes, good equipment can help you out, but I bet if you laid a bench shirt on a bench, it couldn’t do much by itself.
Week I
Sunday, August 05, 2001
Glute Ham Raise - 2x8
Roman Chair Sit-ups - 2x15
Bench Press 8x3 @ 225 + 1 chain/side
JM Press - 135x5 225x3 275x3 300x3 275x5
Pullups - 5x6
DB Military - 4x10-12
GPP - 10 min. of Med Ball Throwing
Monday, August, 06, 2001
Glute-Ham Raise - 2x8
Roman Chair Sit-ups - 2x15
Chain Suspended GM’s - 340x1
RDL’s - 4x10
Weighted Stabilty Ball Sit-ups - 5x10
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
Extra Workout
100 rep pushdowns
Upper Back Exercises
Tuesday, August, 07, 2001
Glute-Ham Raises - 2x10
Side Bends - 2x10
Band GM’s - 2x20
Wednesday, August 08, 2001
Chain Suspended Lockouts - 515x1
DB Triceps Extensions - 5x10
Chest Supported Rows - 5x10
Extra Workout
100 rep pushdowns
Upper Back Exercises
Thursday, August, 09, 2001
Glute-Ham Raises - 2x10
Roman Chair Sit-ups - 2x15
Friday, August, 10, 2001
Glute-Ham Raises- 2x10
Roman Chair Sit-ups - 2x15
Box Squat - 8x2 @ 365 + Green Bands
Reverse Hyper - 4x10
Weighted Sit-ups - 4x10-15
Week II
Sunday, August 12, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 + 1chain/side
245x3, 275x1, 315x1
JM Press - 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x5, 315x3
Pull-ups - 5x6
DB Military - 4x10
Monday, August 13, 2001
Glute-Ham Raises - 2x10
Roman Chair Situps - 2x15
Chain Suspended GM’s - 425x1
Straight Leg Deads w/ band through belt- 4x10 @ 275
Reverse Hypers - 4x10
Pull down Abs - 4x10
Wednesday, August 15, 2001
Floor Press - 225 + 8 chains/side x1
225 + 9 chains/side x miss
DB Triceps Extensions - 3x10, 3x8
Chest Supported Rows - 5x10-15
Seated DB Power Cleans - 3x15
Extra Workout
Sled Dragging - 6 trips
Thursday, August 16, 2001
100 rep pushdowns
Upper Back Work
Friday, August 17, 2001
Glute Ham Raises - 2x10
Pull down Abs - 2x20
Box Squat - 8x2 @ 385 + Green Bands
Reverse Hypers - 3x15
Pull down Abs - 4x10-15
Saturday, August 18, 2001
Sled Dragging - 6 Trips
Reverse Hypers - 3x15
Stability Ball Abs - 4x15
Face Pulls - 3x20
Week III
Sunday, August 19, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 + 1 chain/side
5 Board Press - worked up to 455x3
Green Band Lat Pulldown - 5x10
Shoulder Complex - 3x30
Monday, August 20, 2001
Glute-Ham Raise - 2x10
Roman Chair Sit-ups - 2x15
SS Bar Box Squat (14”) - 585x1
Straight Leg Deads w/ band through belt -
3x10 @ 275
Reverse Hyper - 3x10
Roman Chair Sit-ups + 25lbs - 3x10
Side Bends - 2x10
Wednesday, August 22, 2001
2 Board Press - 475 x 1, 495 x miss
DB Triceps Extensions - 5x10
Chest Supported Rows - 4x15
DB Cleans - 3x15
Friday, August 24, 2001
Glute-Ham Raise - 2x8
Roman Chair Sit-ups - 2x15
Box Squat - 8x2 @ 415 + green bands
Reverse Hypers - 3x12
Saturday, August 25, 2001
Sled Dragging - 6 trips
Reverse Hypers - 2x15
Pulldown Abs - 2x20
Glute Ham Raises - 2x12
Week IV
Sunday, August 26, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 185 + mini bands
5 Board Press - 440x4, 405x7
Band Lat Pulldown - 5x10-15
Bradford Press - 4x10
Monday, August 27, 2001
Glute Ham Raise - 2x8
Pulldown Abs - 2x20
Chain Suspended GM’s w/ SS Bar -
425x1, 475xmiss
GHD w/ pink band - 4x6
Leg Raises - 3x10
Straight leg Sit-ups - 3x15
Tuesday, August 28, 2001
Sled Dragging - 6 trips
Reverse Hypers - 4x10
Stability Ball Abs - 3x25
Wednesday, August 29, 2001
Close Grip Bench w/ 3 chains/side + 50lbs. weight releasers - 365x1, 385xmiss
Tri. Ext on Floor - worked to 205x6, 225x4
Chest Supported DB Rows - 5x12
Shoulder Raises w/ mini bands - 3x36
Friday, August 31, 2001
Glute Ham Raises - 2x8
Roman Chair Situps - 2x15
Box Squat - 8x2 @ 435 + green bands
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
Standing Abs - 4 sets
Week V
Sunday, September 2, 2001
Bench Press - 4x3 @ 185, 4x3 @ 205 + mini-bands
Rack Lockouts - worked up to 495x2
Body Rows - 4x10
Bradford Press - worked to 225x8
Extra Workout
100 rep triceps
Upper back work
Monday, September 3, 2001
Glute Ham Raises - 2x8
Roman Chair Sit-ups - 2x15
Deadlifts off 3 inch plates - 600x1
Reverse Hypers - 4x10
Straight leg sit-ups - 4x10
Tuesday, September 4, 2001
Sled Dragging - 6 trips
GHD - 3x8
Weighted Roman Chair - 3x10
Reverse Hyper - 2x10
Wednesday, September 5, 2001
3 Board Press - 500x1
Tried out bench shirt, blew out bench shirt.
Lying Tri. Ext. on floor - 5x6 @ 190
Thursday, September 6, 2001
Tricep Pushdowns - 100 reps
DB Chest Supported Rows - 4x12
Shoulder Raises w/ mini-bands - 2x30
Friday, September 07, 2001
GHD - 2x8
Roman Chair Situps - 2x15
Box Squat - 8x2 @ 385 + blue bands
Reverse Hyper - 3x12
Hanging Leg Raises - 3x10
Week VI
Sunday, September 9, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 +2 chains/side, 275x3
JM Press w/ SS Bar - worked up to 335x3
Body Rows - 4x10
Bradford Press - 4x10
Monday, September 10, 2001
Bent Back GM - worked to 500x1
GHD - 4x6 w/ 10lbs. plate
Side Bends - 3x10
Pulldown Abs - 3x10
Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Sled Dragging - 6 trips
Reverse Hypers - 4x10
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Incline Press - 365x1
DB Ext. on Floor - worked to 3x6 @ 85
Hammer Rows - 3x10-15
Thursday, September 13, 2001
Tricep Pushdowns - 100 reps
Hammer Rows - 3x15
DB Benches on Stability Ball - 3x15
Seated DB Cleans - 3x15
Friday, September 14, 2001
GHD - 2x8
Roman Chair Situps - 2x15
Box Squats - 8x2 @ 415 + blue bands
Speed Deadlifts - 4x1 @ 315, 4x1 @ 370
Reverse Hypers - 3x15
Week VII
Sunday, September 16, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 + 2 chains/side
5 Board Press - worked up to 455x3
Elbows out extensions - 4x10
Face Pulls - 4x15
Monday, September 17, 2001
Manta Ray Box Squats - 600x1
Side Bends - 6x10
Wednesday, September 19, 2001
Floor Press - 425x1, 435xmiss
Triceps Extensions - worked to 185x8
Hammer Rows - 4x6-10
Rear Lateral - 3x20
Friday, September 21, 2001
Box Squat - 8x2 @ 435 + blue bands
Speed Deadlifts - 8x1 @ 405
Roman Chair Situps - 5x6-10
Sunday, September 23, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 + 2 chains/side
275x1, 315x1
JM Press w/ SS Bar - worked up to 335x5
DB Military - 3x5
Green Band Lat Pulldowns - 3x10-15
Extra Workout
100 rep tricep pushdowns
Monday, September 24, 2001
Good Morning Squats - 545x1
Seated Good Mornings - worked up to 500x1 Reverse Hypers - 4x10
DB Side Bends on GHD - 3x10
Wednesday, September 26, 2001
Reverse Band Presses - 485x1
Triceps Extensions - 7x6
Various Lat. Work - 5x15
Upper Back Work - 4x15
Thursday, September 27, 2001
DB Benches - 3x20
Shrugs - 3x20
Hammer Rows - 3x15
Tri Pushdowns - 3x25
Friday, September 28, 2001
Box Squat - 6x2 @ 385 + blue/pink bands
Speed Deadlifts - 3x1 @ 365, 3x1 @ 415
3x1 @ 465
Reverse Hypers - 4x10
Various Abs
Saturday, September 29, 2001
Reverse Hypers - 4x10
GHD - 4x6
Roman Chair Situps - 6x5-10
Week IX
Sunday, September 30, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 205 + mini-bands
275x1, 315x1
JM Presses w/ SS Bar - 355 x5
One Arm Rows - 3x10
Chain Pushups (w/ green band behind back) - 4x15
Monday, October 1, 2001
Reverse Hypers - 5x10-15
GHD - 4x5
Hanging Leg Raises - 4x10
Wednesday, October 3, 2001
2 Board Press - missed 485x1
JM Presses - 5x6
Chest Supported DB Rows - 5x10
Seated DB Power Cleans - 3x15
Friday, October 5, 2001
Box Squat - 6x2 @ 415 + blue/pink bands
Speed Deadlifts - 2x1 @ 365, 3x1 @ 415
3x1 @ 465
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
Side Bends - 3x10
Saturday, October 06, 2001
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
GHD - 3x8
Roman Chair Situps - 3x15
Week X
Sunday, October 7, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 205 + mini-bands
275x1, 315x1
Rack Lockouts - worked up to 495x3
DB Military - 4x10
Hammer Rows - 4x10
Elbows out Extensions - 4x10
Monday, October 8, 2001
Chain Suspended GM’s - 545x1
GHD - 3x10
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
Hanging Leg Raises - 3x10
Tuesday, October 9, 2001
Sled Dragging - 6 trips
Wednesday, October 9, 2001
Illegal Wides - 405x5
DB Extensions - 3x6, 1x10 @ 90
Hammer Rows - 4x6
DB Cleans - 5x12
Thursday, October 10, 2001
100 rep triceps pushdowns
Wide Grip Bench - 2x20
Hammer Rows - 2x15
Face Pulls - 3x15
Friday, October 11, 2001
Box Squat - 6x2 @ 435 + blue/pink bands
Speed Deadlifts - 2x1 @ 365, 2x1 @ 415
2x1 @ 465
GHD - 3x10
Roman Chair Situps - 3x10-15
Week XII
Sunday, October 14, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 + 2 chains/side
5 Board Press - worked to 455x4
Bradford Press - 4x8
Blue Band Lat Pulldowns - 4x10
Elbows out Extensions - 4x6
Monday, October 15, 2001
Glute-Ham Raises - 6x5-10
Reverse Hypers - 4x10-15
Pulldown Abs - 5x10-20
Wednesday, October 17, 2001
3 Board Press - missed 505x1
DB Extensions - worked up to 100x8, 115x5 Hammer Rows - 4x10
Seated DB Cleans - 3x15
Friday, October 19, 2001
Box Squats - 6x2 @ 385 + blue bands, 500x1
Speed Deadlifts - 2x1 @ 365, 1x1 @ 415
1x1 @ 465, 1x1 @ 515
Reverse Hypers - 3x15
Sunday, October 21, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 + 2 chains/side
Tricep Extensions - worked up to 225x5
Military Press - 4x10
Monday, October 22, 2001
Rack Pulls - 705x1
GHD - 5x10
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
Roman Chair Situps - 4x10
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
Close Grip Bench Press + Mini-Bands - worked up to 385x1
DB Extensions - 7x8 @ 65lbs.
Chest Supported DB Rows - 3x10
Seated DB Power Cleans - 3x15
Thursday, October 25, 2001
100 rep triceps pushdowns
Upper Back work
Friday, October 26, 2001
Box Squats - 6x2 @ 435 + green bands
Speed Deadlifts - 2x1 @ 365, 4x1 @ 415
Week XIV
Sunday, October 28, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 + 2 chains/side
5 Board Press - 455x3
One Arm DB Rows - 4x10
Tricep Pushdowns - 3x15
Monday, October 29, 2001
Box squat w/ SS Bar - 600x1
GHD - 4x8
Reverse Hypers - 4x10-15
Hanging Leg Raises - 4x10-15
Tuesday, October 30, 2001
Extra Ab work
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
Close Grip Floor Press - 430x1, 440xmiss
Tri. Ext on Floor - 5x8-10
Chest Supported DB Rows - 4x10
DB Cleans - 3x15
Thursday, November 1, 2001
100 rep triceps pushdowns
Upper Back work
Friday, November 2, 2001
Box Squat - 6x2 @ 385 + green bands, 500x1, 600x1
Speed Deads - 1x1 @ 365, 1x1 @ 415, 1x1 @ 465, 1x1 @ 515, 1x1 @ 600
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
Week XV
Sunday, November 4, 2001
Bench Press - 8x3 @ 225 + 2 chains/side
JM Presses - 5x5
Pull-ups - 4x6
DB Military - 4x8
Monday, November 5, 2001
Chain Suspended GM’s - missed 585x1
GHD - 4x8
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
Hanging Leg Raises - 4x10
Tuesday, November 6, 2001
Extra Ab work
Wednesday, November 7, 2001
Reverse Band Press w/ blue bands - 585x1
Tried out Bench Shirt
Thursday, November 8, 2001
Triceps Extensions - 5x10
Hammer Rows - 4x10
Rear Laterals - 3x15-20
Friday, November 9, 2001
Box Squat - 6x2 @ 365 + green bands
Speed Deads - 6x1 @ 415
Reverse Hypers - 4x10
Week XVI
Sunday, November 11, 2001
Bench Press - 205 + 1 chain/side
Elbows out extensions - 4x8
Hammer Rows - 3x10
Monday, November 12, 2001
Reverse Hypers - 3x10
Ab work
Wednesday, November 14. 2001
Light Triceps Work