Kentucky Strong: Add 100 Pounds to Your Pull
Kentucky Strong: Add 100 Pounds to Your Pull
Chase provides you a 24 week deadlift program to add 100 pounds to your pull.
Crossing the Line Into the CrossFit Box
Crossing the Line Into the CrossFit Box
Seriously?! The first thing that an IFBB physique pro talks about is CrossFit?
The Practical Paradigm: Knee Drive
The Practical Paradigm: Knee Drive
There is a certain individualization to running form.
No Bullsh*t: The Banded Hip Series
No Bullsh*t: The Banded Hip Series
The hips are the foundation for both the squat and the deadlift.
Friday Technique Video: Shoulder Integrity Exercises
Friday Technique Video: Shoulder Integrity Exercises
Do you want to keep benching, deadlifting, and squatting heavy? Then you better keep your shoulders healthy.
USAPL American Open Results
USAPL American Open Results
I had some good PRs, some serious let downs, and a great battle with IPF world deadlift champ Mike Hedlesky.
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 4): Harry Selkow
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 4): Harry Selkow
Team elitefts Learn to Train 7 roundtable panelist Harry Selkow sends a message to his younger self…live with intense action.
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 3): John Meadows
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 3): John Meadows
Team elitefts Learn to Train 7 roundtable panelist John Meadows talks about changes in programming and fasted state cardio.
Head Games: Training the Neck to Reduce Concussions
Head Games: Training the Neck to Reduce Concussions
Concussions have become a major issue in sports and coaches have a responsibility to protect their athletes
Monster Garage Gym: The Gear Is Ready to Go Heavier, But Are You?
Monster Garage Gym: The Gear Is Ready to Go Heavier, But Are You?
If you are new to gear, respect not only the gear but the inordinately heavier weights that you will attempt.
Elitefts coach JL Holdsworth hosts the very first ThanksGripping contest at the Spot Athletics.
Training with Purpose: Utilizing Different Methods in a High Frequency Approach
Training with Purpose: Utilizing Different Methods in a High Frequency A...
Take an objective look at your needs and figure out a plan that will achieve these goals.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Respiratory muscle training may be the weak link in your training program.
Friday Technique Video: Foot Placement for the Bench Press
Friday Technique Video: Foot Placement for the Bench Press
How is your body built to maximize your leverages?
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 2): Dr. Eric Serrano
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 2): Dr. Eric Serrano
Team elitefts Learn to Train 7 roundtable panelist Dr. Serrano describes seven male hormone therapies.
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 1): Mark Dugdale
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 1): Mark Dugdale
Team elitefts Learn to Train 7 roundtable panelist Mark Dugdale addresses nutritional strategies when traveling.
Steve Goggins: Deadlift Training Tip
Steve Goggins: Deadlift Training Tip
Deadlift tips from a lifting legend.
How Training for a Single-ply Meet Benefited My Multi-ply
How Training for a Single-ply Meet Benefited My Multi-ply
I knew I wasn’t done powerlifting, not by a long shot, but something needed to change.
Iron Legacy: Contest Dieting
Iron Legacy: Contest Dieting
Here is a look into my diet the final three to four weeks before stepping on stage.
Buddy Morris Interview
Buddy Morris Interview
Gabriel Naspinki interviews Buddy Morris at the Elitefts Learn to Train 6 Seminar.
Friday Technique Video: The Good Morning
Friday Technique Video: The Good Morning
You do not want to end up with a blown disc. Trust me.
Friday Technique Video: Squat Set Up
Friday Technique Video: Squat Set Up
Lock in your glutes and abs, THEN unrack.
Friday Technique Video: Proper Execution of the Power Clean
Friday Technique Video: Proper Execution of the Power Clean
Are you hurting your athletes more than helping them?
Mas—Wrestling: Attention Booturs
Mas—Wrestling: Attention Booturs
Mas–wrestling was a tool for preparing the young men of the cultures for the physical difficulties and demands of living in an isolated area where survival was the only focus.
WATCH: My Trip to Elitefts (Part 2)
WATCH: My Trip to Elitefts (Part 2)
My throat was about 80 percent closed and continuing to swell shut.
Monster Garage Gym: What Is Right with Powerlifting?
The meet was everything that is right with powerlifting.
Digging Deeper: Stretching
Digging Deeper: Stretching
Stretching. This little ten-letter word has the capability to cause chaos.
WATCH: Leg Drive for Bench Press
WATCH: Leg Drive for Bench Press
The key to a big bench is to keep this technique from an open bar to over 600 pounds.
Strong(her): Womens UGSS Documentary
Strong(her): Womens UGSS Documentary
The women of elitefts™ come together.
Clint Darden: Questions in the Compound, Part 2
Clint Darden: Questions in the Compound, Part 2
If you do not love something, you are probably are not going to be good at it.
Clint Darden: Questions in the Compound, Part 1
Clint Darden: Questions in the Compound, Part 1
There is nothing that makes up for the feeling that comes from squatting, bench pressing, or deadlifting.
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 1)
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 1)
What you eat makes a giant difference on the platform.
Freak Critique: Adam Driggers’ Deadlift
Freak Critique: Adam Driggers’ Deadlift
When you rip, you are at the mercy of wherever the bar goes with the rip.
Darden Diaries: A Must-Have Tool
Darden Diaries: A Must-Have Tool
A MUST–HAVE tool for my suit case, car, kitchen door, etc. Velcro not included.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 9)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 9)
Have you tried this shrug variation to build your deadlift?
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 8)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 8)
This is the hardest exercise for hamstrings.
Prowler Pyramids
Prowler Pyramids
Love the prowler or hate it.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 5)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 5)
To build structural static strength, incorporate reverse hyper swings.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 4)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 4)
If your hands cannot hold it, typically your body is not ready to lift it.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 3)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 3)
Learn how goodmornings can improve your deadlift.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 2)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 2)
Matt Wenning has Ryan perform sumo deadlifts to correct conventional pull weaknesses.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 1)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 1)
Matt targets the pull in the same expert fashion that he did with the squat.
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 2)
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 2)
Driggers shares another nugget of wisdom…this time about locking out.
Beast Reality: Massive Shoulders
Beast Reality: Massive Shoulders
The bottom line is you do not need a fancy program to build big, strong shoulders.
Strongmen Pushing Their Limits
Strongmen Pushing Their Limits
Chase Karnes and Clint Darden square off in a Paducah Showdown
Someday I Will...
Someday I Will...
Someday I will have to dig deep.
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 1)
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 1)
I have some worthy advice to share from Rick Hussey with you.
Clint Smith: Healthy Rotator Cuffs
Clint Smith: Healthy Rotator Cuffs
A video explanation of the exercises I practice for the rotators.

Items 827 to 885 of 1048 total