While the video below provides some nice satirical comedy, there is a real point behind why it was filmed. There are several basic fundamental training concepts that will help you achieve your maximal potential. These are things that do not change. Do not get foiled by the latest gimmick or fad. There are three fundamental concepts to always remember: environment, equipment, and methodology.
I will never say that you can’t get in shape or do great things while training alone. But, without a doubt, you will bring your performance to the next level if you train in an environment in which you are expected to improve. The best environment is created by people that have the same set of desires and expectations as those around them. These desires and expectations often breed an atmosphere that encourages and demands success. If you have to train alone, do so; it’s not the end of the world. But if you can find a group where you will be held accountable, join it. It may be the push that you need.
You need the right tools to do the right job. Need I say more? Any product that sells itself as the end-all-be-all for training is a gimmick — nothing more. There are a lot of great tools, but use them for what value they bring and not out of hopes that they will be “everything” for your future. Just as with this video, “The Walker” actually makes a pretty good core workout tool. Trying to make it everything, though, makes it bulky and less cost effective than a comparable ab wheel. I love using my kettlebells and various implements, but I use them as specific tools with specific purposes.
There is no magic trick or training protocol that will propel you to the next level overnight. Learn proper technique and lifting mechanics and then apply them with consistently progressive workloads over time. Don’t be afraid of experimenting, but do so thinking of the experiments as tests and NOT as quick-paths to the next great thing. Take 6-9 months with every new training program and learn how your body responds. This is the only way that you can figure out what works well. Refine your training with what you learn and keep progressing over time.