It is not uncommon for me to overhear phone calls in the elitefts™ offices in which readers don't quite (...what is the best way to say this?) ...have a realistic grasp of how things here work.
There are a number of times in which I hear Matt Goodwin answering an equipment question for someone where, a few minutes into their conversation, he has to explain the he IS NOT Matt Wenning. We have people calling wanting to speak to Matt Kroc or Jim Wendler (only one of which has ever worked here, and he has not entered our offices in the past three years). The members of our team are huge contributors, but each of them on their own time, from their remote locations.
It seems as though some readers assume all of them have quit their jobs, loaded a U-Haul, and filled all of the office and warehouse positions we have here in London, Ohio. If that were the case, it would potentially provide enough hilarity and drama to create the single greatest reality show of all time. Here is our take on just what that might be like.
– Steve Colescott
I repeat. They do NOT work in our offices. They e-mail us their articles, log in to answer Q&As or to post a training log. If they did, what a circus this place would be!