The Elitefts™ Sports Performance Coach Education Series is a comprehensive educational resource for coaches in the collegiate, high school, professional, and private settings. This series will take a fundamental approach to various topics that will enable coaches the additional skills to enhance their coaching abilities, improve marketability in the industry, and drastically increase the impact they have upon their athletes.
Objective of this Video
The goal of this video is to help coaches develop a comprehensive and meaningful curriculum to serve as a guideline to mentor and develop young, aspiring strength and conditioning professionals.
Presentation Outline
Sample 15-Week Development Plan
- Acclimating to Setting Weeks 1 -2
- Acquiring Knowledge Weeks 3-5
- Generating Questions Weeks 6-8
- Formulating Opinions Weeks 9-11
- Developing a Philosophy Weeks 12-15
PHASE I - Acclimation
Acclimating to Setting
- Expectations
- Act professional
- Schedules
- Be realistic, be responsible, and don’t flake
- Terminology
- Drills, Buzz Words
- Sport Coaches
- Submersing in the culture of each team
PHASE II - Education
Acquiring Knowledge
Safety Concerns
- Spotting
- Emergency Procedures
Scientific Foundations
1. Bio Motor Abilities
2. Bioenergetics
3. Basic Biomechanics
4. Basic Nutrition
5. Periodization
Exercise Technique
- Olympic Movements
- Structural Movements
- Foundational Movements
Program Design
- Needs Analysis
- Resource Limitations
- Exercises, Frequency, Order, Load, Volume, Rest
Coaching Methods
- Before & After the Session & Set
PHASE III - Research
Generating Questions
- Who are your best resources?
- What Don’t you Know?
- Why is it important?
- When is it appropriate to ask?
- Where are you getting the information?
PHASE IV - Principles
Formulating Opinions
- What is important to You?
- What are you passionate about?
- What would you use and what would you throw out?
- How do you use philosophies from all of the strength disciplines.
PHASE V - Philosophy
Developing your own Coaching Philosophy
- Establishing realistic and attainable goals
- Knowing what you believe in and knowing why you believe in it
- Knowing who, what , and where your resources will be
4 Areas of Intern Development
Assignments & Evaluation
- Scientific Foundation Team Teaching Session
- Exercise Technique Presentation
- Resource Review
- Sports Specific Program Design
- KIC Evaluations
- Level System Classification
- 5 Innovative Assignments for Interns
K.I.C. Evaluations
Basic Knowledge
- Can They?
Taking Initiative
- Will They?
Communication Skills
- How Do They?
Knowledge Base
Exercise Technique
Level 0
- The intern cannot explain or demonstrate basic exercise technique to athletes.
Level 1
- The intern can explain and demonstrate basic exercise technique to athlete.
Level 2
- The intern can identify technique flaws.
Level 3
- The intern can address technique discrepancies with corrective strategies.
Taking Initiative
Level 0
- The intern does not interact with student athletes during training sessions.
Level 1
- The intern will occasionally interact with student athletes or prepare for the next training group mostly when asked to by another coach and with set up.
Level 2
- The intern will interact with student athletes most of the time and occasionally prepares for the next training group mostly when asked to by another coach and with set up.
Level 3
- The intern coaches athletes at every opportunity and consistently organizes equipment and starts training sessions without being asked to.
Communication Skills
Level 0
- The intern has NOT built a positive rapport any student athletes.
Level 1
- The intern has built a positive rapport with some student athletes based on social circumstances.
Level 2
- The intern has built a positive rapport with most student athletes based on respect for the S&C program.
Level 3
- The intern has built a positive rapport with all student athletes based on trust and respect for the student coach.
Job Satisfaction
Patrick Lenconi “3 Signs of a Miserable Job”
- Are your interns recognized as young coaches?
- Do your interns understand their jobs are important?
- How do your interns know if they are proficient at their job?
Internship Development
- Friday Seminars
- Round Table Lunches
- Third Thursdays
- Professional Development Educational Trips
- Clinics & Conferences
- Certification Opportunities
- Community Service
Show Up On Time All the Time
- Don’t flake. Be here when you say you will be here
Work Hard
- Take the initiative to provide the best training environment.
Work Together
- Have the other Interns’ backs even over your own team.
Work with Everyone
- Train athletes from different teams and build a rapport.
Work Toward Being a Better Coach
- Try to improve everyday, in every aspect of coaching.
Work at Your Weaknesses
- Engage issues and compete outside your comfort zone
Now teaching them how to look at every person as an separate person and keep the team together as a whole is the hard part. Knowing when to push and when not too. Learning every lifters personality and how it effects there training, and how to motivate them on a bad day! As you and I both know this wisdom comes from time coaching and there is no other way around it. I would love to hear some other coach trainers ideas on this part of teaching a person to be a coach.
Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate you watching the video. One thing you have to understand is the purpose of the video is to give head coaches and sports performance facility owners some ideas on the structure of mentioning. I wanted to equip them with some suggestion on how to set up the infrastructure and curriculum to develop coaches to achieve at the next level.
It's not that I left out an important part of coaching in this video. Its just not in the same context. You admitted that the only way around developing the skills you have suggested for coaches is with experience. The video was intended to help coaches facilitate that experience to their assistants that we both agree is so important.
I agree, I would love to here more coaches weight in on how they mentor young coaches, specifically how they would mentor young coaches on how to keep a team together and dealing with problems. There are several issues.
1. These are abstract and highly individualized concepts which beg for cliche' suggestions.
2. Most of the experts in this field are coaching athletes and don't have time to write and do videos like I have the privilege and honor of doing.
3. Most "experts" would charge for that information as opposed to elitefts.
Thanks again, Paulie, Would love to hear more about what you do to cover the issues I didn't. You should write an article for us.