There are many complaints made about the younger generation of lifters — almost always unfairly so. No matter how jaded you may be, and no matter how you may perceive your generation as better than any other, there's something you can't deny: young lifters are more receptive to coaching than anyone else in the sport of powerlifting. The Purdue Barbell Club often demonstrates this, working closely with Brandon Smitley and occasionally visiting the elitefts S4 Compound.
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Last week, Brandon brought lifters from the Purdue Barbell Club to the compound to help coach them through several problems he has been observing. From the club, Ethan Lenn, Joseph Tanner, Josh Lytle, Cody Tormoehlen, Heejung Kim, and Austin Elpers made the trip. This video documents the training day at the compound and shows specific coaching adjustments Smitley offered to members of the club. Smitley discusses each cue and technical advice given to the young lifters, explaining how and why it is important for them to make the changes in their training.
In Brandon's own words:
I've been fortunate enough to work with Purdue Barbell since the first day the club really got started. I serve as a mentor, advisor, and coach for the club. I also do programming for about 20-25 lifters per semester in which I look over training footage and help them pick programs that will serve as good stimulus based upon their experience. I coach and handle the team for at least one meet per semester, usually the "team meet" that is voted on by the club.In this video, many of the lifters are preparing for the APF Illinois State meet. Cody, Heejung, and Joseph will be competing while I coach them all weekend long. Lifters Austin, Josh, and Ethan are currently in an off season volume phase in which we are trying to put some muscle on their frames and help keep them away from too much competition based movements. They will likely get into an off-season powerlifting program over the summer while they will eventually be preparing for the team fall semester meet (TBD).I've really enjoyed helping, coaching, and getting to know all the members that get involved with the club and seeing the massive growth that it has had over the past few years. There have been some great memories and seeing the lifters excel and hit PR's makes each and every meet I take them to a blast. On top of being great athletes and representatives of Purdue University via strength athletics, they are also very educated and dedicated to their scholastic work, as well as giving back to the community via different fund raisers for the university. They truly embody "Live, Learn, Pass On".
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