Interview conducted and written by Sydney Schulte & filmed by Josh Goedker
"I am Dr. Tyrel Detweiler. I am an athlete first, and a clinician second."
Dr. Tyrel Detweiler played football at the University of Iowa as an offensive guard. From there, he fell in love with strength sports like powerlifting and strongman, which led him forward to expand into the sport, strength and conditioning, and strength industries.
"[This is my opportunity to] give back to the sports that have been so good to me."
As a chiropractor, Tyrel has mostly been working in athletics and college athletics. He was a member of the sports medicine team at the University of Missouri, and for the last three years, he was the all-sports chiropractor at the University of Memphis.
As of May 2018, he’s been living in Columbus, Ohio, and opened Hybrid Performance Group, a multi-disciplinary clinic with chiropractic and physical therapies. Hybrid Performance Group provides a variety of services to athletes and active-minded people.
For Tyrel, elitefts was a huge resource. After playing football, he got into powerlifting, and everyone talked about elitefts. As a new lifter, elitefts was a huge resource, and it helped him fall in love with the sport even more.
A lot of the things Tyrel learned as an athlete and from elitefts fell in line with how he now works as a clinician. At first, he felt like he didn’t have enough experience to give back to the sports community, but over time, he gained that experience.
"Being in athletics for over a decade and having that experience with strength and intercollegiate athletes, that got me to a point where I felt like I had an opportunity to give back, so I started writing with elitefts on an outside submission basis."
One of the big things he feels that’s happening is a merge between the healthcare, strength, and fitness industries. There are a lot of powerlifters learning from healthcare professionals, and vice versa, and as a result, Tyrel’s seen some huge leaps in performance and improvements to both industries. Together, it’s pushing everything forward toward the same goal.
"One reason I want to give back to that community is because I believe so strongly in that team approach of working with a healthcare provider, working with a coach, working with the athlete all together for the same goal."
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