Should you periodize your conditioning? The short answer: yes. The long answer: yes, with this video as an explanation why.
In today's edition of Off Topic, Dave and Jim discuss conditioning and explain why it is important for lifters to periodize and carefully plan their conditioning work over time.
Jim's Answer
Jim's approach to training advice is well-known: simple, no bullshit, and straight to the point. To explain his position on the periodization of conditioning, Jim talks about making a stew. You don't just throw a pound of everything into your pot and hope it tastes good; it has to be a pinch of that, five pounds of this, and three of these. This is how training is, too. You can't do multiple 20-rep sets of squat every day and then expect to go run the next day.
Part of doing this is categorizing conditioning into hard conditioning (which requires muscular effort and exertion) and easy conditioning (like riding a bike).
Dave's Answer
Dave's answer to this question takes into account the needs of the top lifters in the world — the best 10% in the sport.
He explains that all conditioning is based on the aerobic base that you need for your specific sport. For powerlifters, an aerobic base is important for recovery, whereas a runner may rely on their aerobic base for their sports performance. This does not mean that an aerobic base isn't important for a powerlifter — it is, and Dave explains why by outlining several of the consequences you'll suffer if you let your aerobic base drop.
Dave also shares a story about his own aerobic base and how he discovered an increase in his recoverability while recording his heart rate during a treadmill walk.