Can you name three things scarier than ghosts, zombies, and werewolves this Halloween?
Try this: Torn pecs, max effort benching without a training partner, and losing your bench shirt the night before a meet.
Or maybe this: low back pumps, squatting below parallel, and bombing out of a meet.
Or maybe the worst yet: low testosterone, high estrogen, and daytime cortisol spikes.
To celebrate this holiday, we have another video to share. In this special Halloween Q&A (which aired live via Dave Tate's Facebook page), Dave Tate answers questions asked directly by you, our readers. Joined by elitefts intern Mallory Powell, Dave discusses training partners, why he created elitefts, and the scariest thing Louie ever had him try at Westside.
By the minute:
- (0:48) Who are the best training partners you've ever had?
- (3:01) Is the table cracked?
- (3:37) What is the best program for a 55-year-old?
- (4:14) What gave you the idea to start elitefts?
- (6:31) How can Kenny Patterson make his triceps bigger?
- (7:22) What is the scariest thing Louie ever had you try at Westside?