When Dave answers a question about arousal for this week's Table Talk, he isn't talking about anything sexual. In fact, he doesn't even make a penis joke in this one (though there is mention of orgasm).
The topic for this video is peak arousal for strength athletes. Dave discusses the peak arousal curve and explains how it pertains to an athlete's mental and emotional readiness for a training session or competition performance. The visual demonstration of this curve is shaped like a classic bell-curve in which the optimal state of arousal lies on either end of the curve — venture too far on either end and you're in trouble. Too calm and you will become bored and uninterested; too aroused and you will become anxious and unable to function properly.
RELATED: Optimal Arousal in Powerlifting
Dave details how this applies practically for lifters in competition. This often includes an adjustment of the level of arousal before, during, and after a lift: the moment before the lifter takes an attempt, the arousal will be high. It will then decrease momentarily so that the lifter can set up properly and prepare to execute the movement. Then, the arousal will reach its highest point in the transition between the eccentric and concentric portion of the lift.