We've All Been There
Hey Clint,
You asked about my forearm pain . Whenever I do cleans, after about three no matter the weight, my forearms from the elbow down have throbbing pain down to the bone. I've got a competition next weekend and the following weekend, so do you have any suggestions on what to do with my training? Most training sessions now just hurt more then they seem to help.
Hey Chris,
I really wish you told me what kind of competition that you have next weekend. Strongman? OLY Lifting?
Unless you are doing OLY Lifting...DROP THE CLEANS!
If you are doing an OLY Lifting meet...ice, heat, repeat non-freaking-stop!
I went before and bought a cheap tennis elbow strap from Wal-Mart and although it wasn't near strong enough, I marched my rear end back to the arts and crafts section and bought a roll of velcro. I put on the tennis elbow strap, added the velcro to it...and it helped TREMENDOUSLY!
Zostrix HP is a great cream that you can get a "WallyWorld" but it is HOT! And even if you wash your hands after you apply it, even if you washed them with gasoline...don't touch your Johnson!
Foam/PVC roll everything on your body...twice a day MINIMUM! Every single tiny muscle you can find from the hair down!
You do NOT want to get to meet day and have this pain...get rid of it at all costs – even if that means taking some days off. You aren't going to get any stronger between now and then anyway.