I was introduced to body tempering by Donnie Thompson while visiting him in early 2015. Since that time, it has really started taking off in strength training, as well as among college and professional sports teams. There are several collegiate football teams that we work with that pack all these heavy devices and travel with them everywhere they go. In addition to domains, they have been moving into the clinical practice space like wildfire, being used by physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and ART specialists.
WATCH: Interview with Acumobility’s Brad Cox
With all that buzz going on about body tempering—and it being so new that many people have not experienced it yet—a lot of questions come up about why it works or what makes it different than other types of treatments. In this video, Kabuki Strength’s Brady Cable covers why body tempering and other myofascial treatment modalities work. This is a great piece that covers a lot of ground from a high-level to help people understand the ins and outs of the approach. Many of the myofascial treatment tools discussed can be found on elitefts.com, including the Boomstick itself.
Here is a short one-minute video of Chris Duffin working with Kelly Starrett on the Boomstick. Kelly has become a huge proponent of body tempering. He has multiple tools at his facility that are “fought over" daily, according to him.
Both these videos are linked to playlists that have more in-depth videos of us collaborating with different people in the industry, taking these methods to new levels. Donnie Thompson has been hugely influential in bringing this approach to us, but we cannot mention our collaborations with Kelly Starrett of MWOD and Brad Cox of Accumobility, who have played significant roles in refining our approach.