elitefts™ GHR - Deluxe Glute Ham Raise

The GHR is one of the most critical components of a properly programmed strength and conditioning system. Ours is packed with features designed by people that actually use them to push their performance envelope!

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On Sale $1,262.70 Regular Price $1,403.00
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Making the GHR better

We have taken our best selling Glute Ham Raise and made it better. While keeping with the same basic design we have added two band hooks for variable resistance, a step up platform, two tone padding and a chromed checker-plated foot stand.

All elitefts™ Glute Ham Raises have been tested for performance and results! We view the GHR as one of the top three pieces ALL weight rooms should have. This is the reason why we have spent countless hours on pad design and angle. This is what makes or breaks the Glute Ham Raise. Think of it this way; how effective would a preacher curl be on a flat bench? It would become counter productive when the weight crosses the mid point of the movement. This is where gravity would take over taking all of the stress off the muscle. This is also true with the Glute Ham Raise. We know this because we haver been doing them for years and are always working to improve how to make simple movements better.

You can now do...
Glute Ham Raises
Back Raises
Bilateral Leg Lifts
One Leg Glute Ham Raises
One Leg Back Raises
Side Bending Torso Training
Russian Twists

The tilted pad angle also allows for...
Standing Inclined Tricep Extensions
Standing Inclined Dumbbell Presses
Standing Ab Work with bands (attached to foot plate)
Upper Back Stretching
Preacher Curls (*I can't believe we recommend this one!)
and a great place to lean between sets

This GHR is designed for those facilities that want a great GHR that will look as good as the rest of the facility. The chrome checker plate, two tone pad and step up makes all the difference in appearance. The band hooks are also a GREAT addition allowing you to take your training to the next level.

Hear this

EFS, "Thanks for the great service and excellent products. We ordered 5 deluxe Glute ham raises for our weight room and I could not be happier. I have always been a big proponent of the Glute ham raise and see how you guys have taken a great unit and made it better. Our kids are showing great progress. Keep up the good work"
- Jack Davis

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