elitefts™ Multi Squat Hip Extension

The Sissy Squat is no longer a SISSY! It is now wider, more adjustable, and with added band pegs. You will be able to knock out Hip Thrusts, Split Squats and the not-so-traditional Sissy Squats with banded resistance! Let us know what else you can do!


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elitefts™ Multi Squat Hip Extension

With limited space in your home gym, we were able to give you a piece of equipment that can be used for multiple exercises! The standard sissy squat machine is always a favorite, but hard to justify whey you can only do one exercise with it. That is no longer the case! With a wider frame, band pegs and more adjustable you will be adding Hip Trusts, Split Squats and many more exercises to your excruciating leg day!

Multi Squat Hip Extension Collage


  • Wider frame
  • More adjustable
  • Sissy Squats with banded resistance
  • Hip Thrusts
  • Split Squats
  • Banded exercises




  • 3x3 11 gauge steel
  • 18" roller pads
  • 36" support pad
  • Footprint: 50" x 36.5"
  • band pegs
  • 1" adjustments
  • Wheels
  • Made in USA

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