Method of Planning the Training of the Weightlifter
A collection of articles translated by Andrew Charniga
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A collection of articles translated by Andrew Charniga
- Weightlifting {Tiiazhelaya Atletika} Vorobeyev, A.N.
- The Snatch
- The Clean and Jerk
- The Clean
- The Jerk
- The Final Actions in the Jerk
- Methods of Teaching I.A. Mulberg, M.S. Khlystov
- Didactic Principles
- Teaching the technique of the Classic Exercises
- Motor Qualities & Methods of Development
- The Development of Strength
- The Weightlifter's Strength
- The Development of Speed
- The Development of Endurance
- The Development of Flexibility
- The interdependence of Motor Qualities
- Training Methods
- General Methodological Principles of Sport Training
- Adaptation
- The Frequency of Training Sessions
- The rest interval between sets of weightlifting exercises
- The Quantity and Ordering of Training Exercises
- The quantity and Tempo of Lifts with the Barbell in Training
- The number of repetitions per set
- Training for Competition
- The Warm Up
- Peculiarities of the Support-Motor Apparatus
- Peculiarities of Blood Circulation
- Peculiarities of Respiration
- Peculiarities of the Exchange Processes
- Energy Expenditure of Weightlifters
- Increasing Bodyweight
- Weightlifting Injuries and Prevention
- The Dependence of the Snatch and the Clean with the Athletes General and Special Physical Preparedness - A. V. Chernyak
- The Optimal Ratio of the Triathlon Exercises - A. V. Chernyak
- Assessing the Technique and the Methods of Perfectioning the Snatch - A. V. Chernyak
- The Peculiarities of Training Sportsmen of Varying Technical Preparedness - A. V. Pakov - A. V. Chernyak
- Methods of Planning the Training of the Weightlifter - A. V. Chernyak
- Degree of Development of Motor Qualities and Motor Habits
- The Ratio of the Squat and Static Pull to the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk
- The criteria of technical preparedness
- Sport Results
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