Pro Multi-Ply
Jo Jordan
Jo finished the day with a 25-pound PR bench and a 2400 total (a 35-pound PR). He met his total goal with a 1010 squat, 680 bench, and 710 deadlift.
Special thanks to @damicostrength @ant_toe @marshalljohnson83 @joeschillero for all your help today and keeping me focused on the end result.
Dave Kirschen
At 197 pounds, Dave finished with an 825 squat, 600 bench, and a 625 deadlift. His deadlift hasn't moved in five years, but with Arnold at the stage sharing the moment (header image), three white lights!
I haven't had this much fun at a meet in years. Sometimes I forget how much I love powerlifting and the people in it. Today was a great reminder of why I got involved in this nut bag sport to begin with. It was an absolute pleasure sharing the platform with you all today.
Special thank you to Mike Stuchiner for giving up his weekend to coach, chauffeur, and babysit me in the cold.
Ken Whetham
Ken's only white light lift was his 940-pound squat opener. He missed 1000 pounds for his second and third attempt. After straining his back, he decided to end the meet there.
Sometimes things don't go as planned. Just didn't have it today: No excuses!
Pro Classic
Yessica Martinez
Yessica finished the day with a 360 squat, 165 bench, and 340 deadlift. Although she came short of the 900-pound total she was after, she managed to squat a 30-pound PR.
I'm not disappointed because strength is there. I've just learned that it takes time and commitment to get where you want to be and even more so to break old/bad habits.
Julia Ladewski
This was Julia's second raw meet. She finished her day with a 315-pound squat, 185-pound bench, and a 360-pound deadlift. The squat and deadlifts were PRs, along with her 860-pound total.
When you finish your day with 3 PRs, it's hard to complain about much. My 2nd raw meet, some left on the platform, and some things to continue to improve.
JP Carroll
JP's first meet as an elitefts athlete, he walked off the platform with a 2250-pound wrapped PR total, the heaviest raw total, and a PR on every lift. His best lifts were a 905-pound squat, 570 bench, and 775 deadlift.
When we passed on JP's third squat after a speed rep with 905 on his second, I had a five or six separate people come up and ask me what the hell I was thinking. I understand why. I think it goes without saying, at this point, we had a solid plan. Sticking to it, while hard to do at times, gave us the best possible outcome. Could not be more proud right now. 5thSet works, get used to it. -- Swede Burns
Athlete interviews and meet reports coming soon!