Another Monday has rolled through and another work week is upon us. We all have our daily problems whether it's waking up late, getting stuck in traffic, or not getting that perfect doughnut at Krispy Kreme. Life has its share of challenges for the everyday average Joe there’s always something that needs to be considered in order to get through life. Bodybuilders are no different, but there are some things they have to tackle that a normal person would never have to think about. When it comes to packing on massive muscle there are bound to be some consequences.
Shopping For Clothes
Bodybuilders have made no secret of the fact that they have to get their clothes specially made for them. With a 30 inch waist and 30 inch leg circumference your probably not going to find jeans your size.
Meal Prep
For most people eating three meals a day totaling 2000-2500 calories seems ridiculous now try eating six meals a day ranging from 5000 calories and above. On top of that Bodybuilders have to go through the struggle in preparing all those meals. You have to map everything you’re going to eat throughout the day. Better stock up on Tupperware.
Having an Extremely Understanding Partner
Not only does the life of a Bodybuilder affect his/her life itself, but also affects the lives of loved ones around them. Sometimes bodybuilders find it hard to keep relationships simply because people can’t understand the lifestyle, the sacrifice that it requires, the multiple hours spent torturing themselves at the gym. If they aren’t careful, a bodybuilder could easily find themselves lonely.
Public Transportation
Hate taking the bus or the subway? Think it gets a bit too crowded? Imagine being on an airplane in coach and having to squeeze into one of those “spacious” seats with a 260 lb frame, all of it solid muscle. Unless they’re flying first class, have their own car, or can pay for a car service a bodybuilder is likely going to be finding themselves squashing their fellow passengers.
The life of a Bodybuilder can be stressful when it comes to everyday tasks, but they choose this life because it is what they love to do. So meal prepping for the week, having to specially order clothes, trying to find the right transportation and finding a partner that truly understands their life are traits that all come with the territory of being a Bodybuilder.
Trying to find clothes that fit your Bodybuilding physique? Go to EliteFTS.com and surf our apparel shop to meet your clothing needs.
Source: Generationiron.com