Gluten is not the evil villain of nutrition but to some it certainly does pose an issue. Gluten has gotten a bad rap because of the inflammatory responses it can impose on the GI system of some.
However this population is rather small. There are major physiological differences in the digestion of gluten in someone who suffers from Celiacs and someone who is intolerant . Celiacs is an autoimmune disorder that is characterized by the specific amino acid sequence of gliadin creating an immune response in the gut.
That is not to say that gluten intolerance doesn't exist.
"Presently non-coeliac gluten sensitivity has been clinically recognised as a separate condition in which neither allergic nor autoimmune mechanisms are involved"
Suppversity recently posted an article titled "The Gluten Solution: Aspergillus Niger-Derived Enzyme May Make "Gluten-Free" Redundant - Enzyme Supplementation Reduces the Amount of Gliadin in the Duodenum by 80-90%"
Essentially AN-PEP (Aspergillus niger prolyl endoprotease) is an enzyme that breaks down gluten into non inflammatory peptides. It has shown great promise in more and more studies. This begins to open the market for a supplement that can effectively utilize AN-PEP. The only foreseeable issue would be creating a supplement that can get the enzyme into the gut in a stable condition where it can still be effective. I do anticipate this to be on the market at some point so if you have gluten issues, keep your eyes peeled!
Here is the link to one of the original studies AN-PEP
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