Announcing the 2015 Habits Seminar (Live Event on February 18th)
by James Clear
Read this on JamesClear.com
Today I am excited to announce the 2015 Habits Seminar, which is a live online class that I will be hosting on February 18th.
Each year, I conduct one seminar on the science of behavior change and how to build habits that stick. We’ll talk about what’s working now, what always works, and what to avoid if you want to stick to good habits and break bad ones. Hundreds of people have already signed up and I’m going to take this opportunity to share more details about the event.
First, let me talk about why you would want to attend…
The Two Identities We All Have
Last week, a reader named Ryan sent me an email talking about the two identities that we all have: BIG ME and LITTLE ME.
BIG ME is the version of yourself that comes out when you’re at your best. BIG ME is the identity you display when you fulfill your potential, live up to your values, and achieve your goals. BIG ME is who you are when you’re fully engaged in life rather than partially engaged. BIG ME is you on top of your game.
LITTLE ME is the version of yourself that shows up when you’re inconsistent, when you lack focus, and when you fall short of your potential. LITTLE ME is that side of you that makes excuses and hesitates when faced with uncertainty or discomfort.
Here’s the thing about BIG ME and LITTLE ME. They are not different people. They are two versions of the same person. And these two versions of yourself compete to show up on any given day.
What Makes the Difference?
We all have good days every now and then—days when we feel motivated, productive, powerful, and healthy. But having a good day every day is really hard. What makes the difference between the days when you show up as the BIG ME version of yourself versus the LITTLE ME version of yourself?
In my experience, your habits make the difference. The top performers in nearly any field of life have developed systems and routines that help them make better decisions each day.
If you want to perform near the top of your game on a more consistent basis, then you have to understand how to build habits that stick.
Some examples…
- Fitness: The list of people who went to the gym on January 1st is very long. The list of those still going on December 1st is much shorter.
- Writing: You might get lucky with one article, but producing your best work over and over again requires consistent creative habits.
- Productivity: You can be incredibly effective when you finish your most important task first each day. Imagine if that happened every day.
- Sports: Anyone can have a big game, but great players have big seasons because they build the right practice habits.
The 2015 Habits Seminar is focused on helping you build the habits and systems that will enable BIG ME to show up more often.
The 2015 Habits Seminar
The seminar will have a special focus on sharing practical ideas for overcoming the five barriers that hold most of us back:
- Lack of Time and Too Many Commitments
- Inconsistency With Taking Action
- Procrastination and Laziness
- Self-Doubt and Lack of Confidence
- Lack of Focus
Click the link below to learn more and register for the seminar. (Note: Early Bird pricing ends on February 16th at 11:59PM EST. Use offer code: EARLY)
The 2015 Habits Seminar: Click here to learn more and register for the event.