Source: Berkeley News
"It's interesting that there is very little science to answer the question one way or the other. I am particularly interested in it because I, ever since medical school have not eaten breakfast...."
The government warns that skipping breakfast is associated with excess body weight. Through this reasoning, they conclude that skipping breakfast will lead to weight gain. This is currently being questioned. One way or the other, the truth should in principle manifest through advancing our understanding of endocrinology and physiology. This is important due to the implications these answers could provide. For example, maybe it would be determined that breakfast has both advantages and disadvantages, with these characteristics differing between people. If this were the case, then breakfast eating and breakfast skipping would be highly individualistic.
So are the claims true about skipping breakfast and weight gain? Dr. John Swartzberg, MD shares his thoughts. He is a clinical professor at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health and editor in chief of Berkeley Wellness. After pointing out where the source of information fueling government claims about skipping breakfast comes from and who funded it, his opinion may surprise you.
Skipping Breakfast: Is it Bad?
But if you want to get into it, correlation doesn't prove causation. Fat people tend to skip b-fast, I've observed. But does the act of skipping b-fast make you fat?
Once again, we may have screwed up the cause and the effect.