I have always been a huge fan of competition in the off-season for college athletes. I also found that female athletes (for whatever reason) respond better to team competitions. Positioning tow different teams against each other is a great idea to motivate athletes and make training fun. Check out what they got going on at Stonybrook University.
Stonybrook University Athletics
Strongwoman Competition: Volleyball vs. Women's Basketball
On 4/21/15 Stony Brook Women's Basketball competed against Stony Brook Volleyball in a strongwoman competition. The events were
- Backwards Sled Drags: 140lbs on Prowler- 30 yards for time
- Hand Over Hand Rope Row to Sled Push: 90lbs on Prowler- 50 feet
- Farmer’s Walks: 70lbs a hand- 20 yards for time
- Farmer’s Hold: 100lbs a hand- Max time
- 100lb Keg Carry: Max distance