There are obviously hormonal and structural differences between men and women. It has even been noted that there are differences in the autonomic nervous system between genders. These become more obvious as children transgress through puberty.
In this review of literature provided by Science Daily we learn about the gender differences when experiencing and recovering from concussions.
First off, men and women are equally as likely to sustain concussions. However the findings where that women had lower pre season baseline testing for concussions and reported higher severity of symptoms. Women also were about 19 milliseconds slower in responding to cognitive tasks in the concussion screening. However this is not significant enough to make a reasonable claim. The testing method was subjective, the subjects reported how they felt, and the results were in accordance with the pre season baseline.
"More research is needed to confirm these results and to understand why women may have lower performance at preseason baseline. The difference in performance between genders should be of great interest to athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, and doctors who utilize baseline assessments to aide recovery protocols"
The quote above is from the author of the study. All this research has been able to shed definitive light on is that we need more research.
The best way to recover from a concussion are great preventative measures. Check out ultimate neck training and the other preventative reading material we have to offer.
Read the full article here.