Maybe the best collaboration of sports performance practitioners and sports scientists in one place. The seminar that has boasted having presenters such as Anatoly Bondarchuk, Natalia Verkhoshansky, Henk Kraaijenhof, and Vladimir Issurin to name a few.
This year's line-up, the venue, and the community it attracts, may make the 2015 seminar the best yet. Here is CVASP founder, Jay DeMayo telling you in his own words.
The Seminar always has been, and always will be, about providing the best possible continuing education opportunity for coaches. With that in mind it is really important to me that we also make it the best value out there. With the lineup we have I think $250 is extremely fair. Add in the option to get your housing, meals, and drinks taken care of for just an additional $150 ($400 total) and I think you’ve got the most cost effective continuing education opportunity out there. If that doesn’t work for people then we always will have the online streaming view option. For $200 you can watch The Seminar live anywhere where you can connect a device to the internet. For the parts that you may miss because you’re working with athlete’s or whatever it maybe you also get the instant downloads with the online streaming view, so I think that’s really a steal for 200 bucks.
This whole thing has always been and always will be about helping coaches get better, so we want to have any many involved as possible. That’s why we price it the way we do and offer the options we do because if we can limit the financial burden, it allows more coaches to be involved. I hope that everyone is able to take advantage of at least one of these opportunities with the docket we have assembled for July 16th and 17th
- Jay DeMayo, Founder of the CVASPS
This year on July 16th & 17th on the beautiful campus of The University of Richmond in Richmond, VA Central Virginia Sport Performance will be hosting their fifth annual Seminar. For this year’s CVASPS we have stepped it up another notch, bringing back many of the favorites from past years, and introducing some new presenters as well.
- Michael Regan: Port Adelaide Football Club
- Erik Korem: University of Kentucky
- Dr. Ben Peterson: Catapult
- Jimmy Snider: University of Wisconsin
- Landon Evans: University of Iowa
- Dr. Bryan Mann: University of Missouri
- Cal Dietz: University of Minnesota
- Dr. Mike Gentry
Thursday Schedule
3:00 PM Registration

Dr. Mike Gentry: Virginia Tech’s Assistant Athletic Director for Athletic Performance

5:30 PM – Michael Regan
Michael Regan: Port Adelaide Football Club
Michael Regan’s Introductory Q and A
7:00 PM Social
Friday Schedule

8:00 AM – Erik Korem
Erik Korem: University of Kentucky
Erik Korem’s Introductory Q and A
“The New Era of High Performance”

11:30 AM – Landon Evans
Landon Evans: University of Iowa
Landon Evans’ Introductory Q and A
“Physical Preparation in the NCAA: a complementary approach”

1:30 PM – Dr. Bryan Mann
Dr. Bryan Mann: University of Missouri
Dr. Bryan Mann’s Introductory Q and A
Bryan Mann on the Elitefts™ Sports Performance Podcast

Steve Magness’ Introductory Q and A Coming Soon

5:30 PM – Andrew Althoff
Andrew Althoff: Baylor University
Andrew Althoff’s Introductory Q and A
“Inside #CampBU: Baylor Uses Sports Science For Freak Performances”
7:00 PM – Social
Register for the CVASP Seminar Here
On top of the great presenter lineup provided we also want to help our attendees a bit as well. We know that Richmond, VA isn’t the easiest place to get to, so with that in mind we added a housing option for The 2015 Seminar. The all-inclusive housing option includes two nights (Thursday and Friday) on campus at The University of Richmond. Along with the 2 nights stay you also receive all meals (breakfast and lunch Friday, dinner both Thursday and Friday nights) and the drinks at the socials at the cook outs. All you need to bring is your toiletries and you’re good to go! All of this, 2 nights lodging, 4 meals, and drinks for both nights for only $150.00. If we compare this to staying at the closest hotel is $130/night, and that doesn’t include food! I really hope that our attendees take advantage of this great offer!
From Jay DeMayo, Central Virginia Sports Performance
I’m truly excited to announce our latest partner for The 2015 Seminar, EliteFTS. Elite is, without debate, the top equipment manufacture out there. Add into the best products out there with the idea of “Live, Learn, Pass On” that they preach and you have a perfect match for what we do here at The Seminar.
EliteFTS.com has had a HUGE impact on me, and countless other coaches by introducing people to a wide array of different methods and personalities, but what they do best, is build equipment. If you want proof to how well their stuff holds up, swing on into our weight room before the lectures start, and you will see 3 full racks that have been in racquetball courts for about 15 years and are as strong as ever.
The elements, and constant use have done nothing to slow these monsters down. Make sure to check them out at www.elitefts.com for all your equipment needs.
Jay DeMayo on the Elitefts™ Sports Performance Podcast