You need to eat a variety of food! We have all heard this before. Do you know why? Does the person who instructed you to follow this advice know why?
The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) is an international organization comprised of members from over 95 countries. Their mission is to progress food technology and it’s application globally. Researchers at IFT may have identified a factor explaining why dietary variety could be vital. They have found correlations between decreased gut microbe diversity and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity and various GI problems. The researchers describe diet as a key-mediating factor involved with regulation of the gut microbiome, the collection of bacteria species found in our GI. In turn, metabolic byproducts from these bacteria send signals to our system affecting metabolic and GI regulation. These researchers state that diet diversity is key in order for the microbiome to function at it’s full potential. Through several experiments, the IFT found a link between increased gut microbiome diversity and health benefits.
“The microbiota use the remnants from digestion to create new signaling molecules that allow the microbiota to communicate with a person's metabolic and GI regulatory system.”
How is this relevant to you? As fitness enthusiasts, sometimes we fall into grooves where we are filling our Tupperware containers with the same foods day in and day out. Potential health benefits of diversifying diet talked about by the IFT include improved glucose control, protection from colon inflammation and more. Is it possible that adding diversity to your diet could improve muscle growth, strength and body fat percentage?
The full article can be found here.
Also check out IFT’s website: https://www.ift.org/