One of the well known benefits of high intensity interval training is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This in a basic sense is your metabolic expenditure after exercising. The NSCA wrote an article: Hot Topic Role of EPOC in Weight Loss that should be read for further comprehension.
The study consisted of comparing two different aerobic workout intensities, performed at different levels of VO2 max. The first workout consisted of 30 minutes of consistent running at 70% VO2 max. The other was 20 repetitions of 1 minute runs performed at 105% VO2 max with 2 minutes of rest between sets. The constant being the workouts duration, both workouts lasted for 30 minutes.
The result: the workout completed at 105% VO2 max yielded a higher EPOC, but it was not a significant difference. This shows that the duration of exercise is directly correlated to EPOC. It should be noted that when there was a greater difference between exercise intensity, that did yield a significant difference in EPOC. For example:
EPOC value, which are measured in L/min of oxygen consumption or Kcal/min, have been seen to more than double when increasing intensity from 55 to 95% of VO2 max for two-minute intervals
All in all, what seemed to influence EPOC most, in terms of a weight loss attribution, was total energy expenditure from the actual exercise session. EPOC in general only accomplished about 6-15% of total weight loss in individuals.
Workout with a prowler at a high level of VO2 to increase your EPOC value and increase your weight loss.