Source: drscottstevenson.com
You've read his eBook on Fortitude Training, you follow his elitefts.com column, you're a member of his Integrative Bodybuilding online community...but yet you want more from this muscle-building brainiac? Finally, here's your chance to meet Dr. Scott Stevenson, pick his brain about bodybuilding science, and learn the intricacies of Fortitude Training.
For a limited time, Scott is accepting 12 signees to attend his first one-day camp in Tampa, Florida, where he'll combine lecture and Q&A with hands-on training.
Sign up today!
Training Camp Specifics:
DATE: Time to fill up the Fortitude Training Camp (1.23.16) in Tampa next month!
LOCATIONS: This first one day camp will be 1.23.16 (Saturday) in TAMPA, FL split between two locations:
***AM: Comfort Suites (Waters Avenue)
***PM: NORTH Powerhouse Gym
AVAILABILITY: These will be in a small group setting (12 people max) and it will come along with some goodies:
- Virgin Voyage Daily Trainer (reg. $149)
- Fortitude Training E-book (of course!)
- FT Earn It! T-Shirt!
- FT Gym Bag
- FT stainless steel shaker
- FT Earn It! Sports Watch
PRICE: The total cost is $399. TWO for $599!!! I'm planning on that including a lot of time to pick my brain, especially at the post-workout Sushi get together.
Disclosure: Elitefts does not profit from the sales of The Fortitude Training eBook or traffic to Scott Stevenson's website. We choose to share his work, products, and services simply because we believe he is among the best coaches in the industry. - Dave Tate