This afternoon Gene Rychlak Jr, Founder and President of Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate, released an official announcement voiding an all-time squat record set last weekend.
"Official Release in regards to circumstances surrounding the RPS Meet in Florida 10/3/15
After reviewing several videos from different angles of the Squat in question, I have decided that the lift Does not meet the Guidelines outlined in the RPS Rulebook & the High Standards necessary for a lift to be Deemed an All-Time record. Therefore I am voiding the lift and ruling it a "NO-LIFT"!! And the lifter will not receive credit for that attempt.
I have been in contact with both Johnny Vasquez of Powerlifting watch & Michael Soong the All-Time Records Custodian and informed them of my decision.
As a result of the circumstances that led to this situation to occur, i have made the following rulings:
1. The Judges responsible for passing the lift have been suspended Immediately and their futures will be pending .
2. RPS Fla State Chair Bert Underwood & His wife Mindy Underwood who were Co-Meet Directors have been placed on probation as they were de-facto Representatives of Myself and are responsible for whatever happens as a result of any meet they conduct.
Bert & Mindy have been informed of my decisions PRIOR to this announcement, I do not believe in "throwing people under the bus" to protect "one's ass" like have happened recently in other "Organizations". I consider Bert & Mindy friends & valuable Members of the Revolution Powerlifting Family !!!
One final note, I will be in attendance at the next RPS Meet Bert & Mindy present which will be May 28th in FT.Myers, Fla. I will be present to observe and test new Judges and ensure standards are upheld. I will be accessible for anyone who may have questions or would like to share any comments & suggestions."
Bert Underwood, who promoted and hosted the meet, responded publicly on his Facebook, taking responsibility for the squat and unacceptable judging:
"I accept full responsibility for the bad call. It has been taken care of. SO, now can we look and talk about all the awesome lifts that happened this weekend? There was more than one squat you know..."
While the squat in question has not been officially named, it is likely the 181-pound squat by lifter Thomas Knight, who squatted 750 pounds for an all-time raw with wraps record. No other world record attempts have been reported from the meet.
Knight, for his favor, has remained humble about the ordeal, commenting on his Instagram prior Gene's announcement:
"We will see what the fed high ups think of it. In the heat of a meet making a tough call to not accept a squat is hard. I just wanted to continue with the meet and get a good total. If they don't honor this world record that's okay with me, I'll squat it deeper next time. I want to see what real judges think, not Internet judges. But this is the worst view of many angles. No need for hate just trying to go for big numbers."
This is not the first lift in recent months that has come under great scrutiny following response to online videos, leading to an eventual overturning of meet results. In July, the International Powerlifting Association revoked a meet and all records set there, and even fired a state chairman amidst controversy.