SOURCE: Addicted2Success
Blog Post -10 Lessons We Can Learn From A Podcast With Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegge. Among these were...
‘I did not rely on my movie career to make a living’
Again coming back, Arnold witnessed over the years, many people who he met in the gym and acting classes were all ‘vulnerable‘ because they didn’t have much money and took up any offers to make a living.
He instead made a wise decision to invest in real estate with money earned from bodybuilding shows, seminars, and even courses through mail orders to start off investing in an apartment. That quickly led to trading other apartments, buildings, offices and, ultimately became a millionaire before his showbiz acting career.
Being financially independent allowed him to star in other genres like the comedy movie, ‘Twins’ with Danny DeVito.
‘Unless I have a passion for it’
The one exception when it comes to investing money in filming, is when it comes to projects that involve giving back. Like the ‘Brooklyn Castle’ documentary supporting after school programs to help children be smart (learn to play chess) and stay off the streets.
Having a real purpose, drives his decision making and we should take this lesson on board for future open loop opportunities.
Read THIS Blog for the other tips.
This is the Podcast these tips came from.
Source: MeanderingMind