Saturday, September 5, 2015
10:00am - 4:00pm
The Elitefts S4 Compound
London, Ohio
The Kettlebell Mechanics Workshop with Ken and Sheri Whetham is a unique opportunity to interact closely with two experienced professionals in the multivariable use of kettlebell training.
Both Ken and Sheri Whetham have competed at the highest level of Kettlebell Sport and used the resulting expertise to vault themselves to ultra-competitive status in other studies of strength. Ken won the 2012 Firefit Combat Challenge National Championship and took home Gold from the 2014 WPC World Powerlifting Championships, making himself a national champion in multiple strength sports within the same calendar year. Sheri, likewise, became a world champion at the 2014 WPC World Powerlifting Championships and set multiple world and national records in the process.
At the Kettlebell Mechanics Workshop, you will be given the opportunity to learn how to pursue a competitive career in Kettlebell Sport or how to use kettlebells to attain any of your personal strength and fitness goals.
This event will teach you:
Kettlebell Swing Technique as the basis of all kettlebell movements. This will include the swing, low swing, and alternating swing. Whether you want to polish your technical abilities to compete in Kettlebell Sport, use kettlebell training to push your sports performance, or you simply want to learn an extremely effective form of metabolic conditioning, it all starts with swing technique.
The clean and jerk, squat, and snatch with both single and double kettlebells. These movements emulate and provide many of the same benefits as the beloved Olympic weightlifting movements, without the time-consuming process of using a barbell.
Metabolic conditioning and sports training that can be done for improved fitness or to prepare for an upcoming sports season. The kettlebell techniques you will learn on this day will give you the necessary tools to increase your sports performance regardless of your specific athletic endeavor. No matter the sport, these movements will help.
Everything else you want to learn from Ken and Sheri can be asked during the open question-and-answer session that will allow your to freely pick their brains.
9:00am Check-in
10:00am Introductions with Ken and Sheri
10:30am Kettlebell Swing Technique
- The Swing
- The Low Swing
- The Alternatiing Swing
12:00pm Clean and Jerks, Sqauts, and Snatch
- The Clean and Jerk
- The Squat
- The Snatch
- Double Kettlebell Movements
- Sport Training
WATCH: Metabolic Conditioning with the Double Kettlebell Snatch
WATCH: Coaching Breakdown of Competitive Kettlebell Movements
WATCH: Technical Demonstration of Competitive Kettlebell Sport