We're excited to announce JP Carroll as the newest addition to Team elitefts.
JP Carroll is an elite powerlifter from Chicago, Illinois. His top achievement in the sport is a 945-pound squat which is currently ranked third on PL Watch and twelfth in the top-20 all-time squats. His best total is 2200 — accomplished with an injured pec, taking a token bench. His current goal is to total 2300.
He currently trains out of Barbell Central in Aurora, Illinois with training partners Ernie Lilliebridge and Kevin Anderson (his son). He runs 5thSet under the close eye of his coach, Swede Burns.
JP's life motto: "I’ve dug myself into many holes in life…yet here I stand with a big back, broad shoulders and my head held high. Adversity builds character. The scars both physical and mental I carry, serve as reminders that after the darkest nights the sun shall rise again. I’d rather be laid to rest with arthritic hands, a broken heart and scarred skin, than be put in my box having led an uneventful life, exiting unscathed — everybody dies, but not everybody lives."
Welcome to the team, JP!