We are pleased to announce our 37th columnist addition to team elitefts, Stefan Waltersson.
Residing in Sweden, Stefan is a certified Westside Barbell strength coach and the founder of Seminoff Sport & Rehab (open since 2004). Furthering his expertise and enriching his roles as a coach and business owner, he is a physiotherapist, kinesiologist, sports massage therapist, nurse assistant, lecturer, and author.
With only five of his articles published on our site to date (the first published in June of 2018), Stefan’s content continues to climb to the top monthly. If you haven’t checked out his previous publications, here’s what you’re missing:
- Find the Perfect Squat in Five Minutes
- Boris Sheiko’s Thoughts on Westside Barbell
- How Much Volume Can You Take?
- You’re Training Your Pecs Wrong
- Physics Made Easy to Increase Your 1RM
According to Stefan,
I've been working as a trainer for almost 18 years and have been involved with many different athletes and coaches. I'm very skeptical when it comes to information over the internet. elitefts stands out — I find it trustful and reliable. I like the concept of live, learn, and pass on. Today I'm running my own gym, giving seminars, and educating personal trainers, strength coaches, and athletes. Writing articles for elitefts gives me a satisfaction by helping others (and at the same time, I keep myself up-to-date).
Check out his sixth article, published today: Abdominal Pressure — What You're Missing in Every Lift
Congratulations, Stefan!