Elitefts is proud to announce the addition of our newest columnist, Ken Whetham. Ken has been writing for elitefts.com for some time, covering multiple areas of expertise in strength training.
Ken is a full-time Firefighter and Rescue Technician with Oshawa Fire and is a Certified Kettlebell Coach and WKC Master Kettlebell Trainer. He has competed and won several Kettlebell Sport competitions, claimed the National Championship at the 2012 Firefit Combat Challenge, and won Gold at the 2014 WPC World Powerlifting Championships. His competition best lifts are an 848-pound squat, 535-pound bench, and 705-pound deadlift.
Some of Ken's previous work includes a recent Kettlebell demonstration video, filmed with his wife Sheri at the elitefts S4 Compound:
Ken will use his experience in strength training to provide knowledge for our readers. Like every contributor or team member of elitefts, we fully believe in Ken’s passion for this industry and look forward the fantastic work to come.
You can find Ken's work on his author page.