We all know about the vape fad. Bearded nicotine consumers are flooding the air we breathe with their relatively harmless vapor clouds (relatively.. better than cigarettes). Caffeine on the other hand, has remained the most widely used drug in the world, yet it has seen very little changes. It's been mixed up in liquids and solids for consumption for ages: tea, espresso, cappuccino, red bull, or Dave Tate's favorite: AMP. However, times are changing, and creative minds are testing new delivery methods for their beloved pick-me-up.
Eagle Energy Vapor, based in Vancouver, is infusing vapor with our morning ritual beverage. At $9.00 each, one vaporizer holds approximately 500 puffs. With 10-20 puffs equating to 95 to 200mg of caffeine, these vaporizers could last the user roughly 3 days to 3 months, according to Eagle Energy Vapor's website. Eagle Energy Vapor also prides itself on the product being free of sugar and nicotine, which may prevent users from experiencing a "crash".
From Eagle Energy Vapor's Indiegogo page:
Interested in inhaling your caffeine instead of drinking it? You can help crowdfund Eagle Energy Vapor at their Indiegogo page.
Source: Huffington Post